Page 34 of Wallflower Witch
“So as long as Mor isn’t afraid, her magic will work?” Josh asks.
“Maybe…” says Patrick. “Hopefully. Are you feeling your magic now?”
I nod. “I am. But why are we practicing on sticks and rocks when we have eight more crypts to open? Shouldn’t we try to open them?”
“Do you think you’re ready?” Patrick asks.
“As ready as I can be on such a short timeline,” I answer.
“Matt and I found one not far from the tree.” Josh points. “We could start with that one.”
We all agree and walk over until we see the outline of the crypt in the distance.
“Okay, everyone, keep an eye out. We know the O’Byrne crypt was protected by living vines. Who knows if this one will be the same, or if it will have something else protecting it or nothing at all,” Patrick says.
“Would we be lucky enough that it is nothing at all?” asks Josh.
“I doubt it,” I say.
“Curses are like all other magic. They take on different threats based on the caster’s feelings. If he especially disliked one family or thought one maybe on his side, their crypt could be different,” Patrick explains.
We slowly creep forward, watching each step for vines or flowers that may spring alive and try to eat us.
We reach the front with nothing jumping up from the ground to grab us. I sigh in relief, thinking something is finally going our way.
“Would you like to do the honors?” asks Josh, standing at the back of the group.
I walk forward, then reach out and grasp the handle. I tug, but the door doesn’t give.
“What the hell?!” I hear Matt yell as the air fills with squawks. I spin, seeing all three guys being attacked by a flock of ravens.
I run toward them, flapping my arms like I do when I’m shooing Quoth away, hoping they will take the gentle hint. “Where did these guys come from?”
“I’m guessing the curse,” Matt answers. “They just appeared and started attacking when you touched the door.”
I duck and hiss as one of the birds drags its beak down my arm.
“What do we do now?” Josh calls. He’s found a stick somewhere and is swinging it around, keeping the birds away from himself.
“Morrigan needs to open the door,” Patrick calls, holding a ball of fire in each hand. Even cursed birds are scared of fire and keep pulling out of dives toward him.
“How?” I yell, ducking again to avoid a beak to the eye.
A familiar squawk joins the chaos and I glance skyward seeing Quoth’s familiar form flying into the fray. He claws and bites the bird taking them out faster than the guys.
“Just like we practiced,” Patrick answers. “Focus on your magic and see if you can shake the ground hard enough to shake the door open.”
“Seriously?!” I call back. “How am I supposed to focus on my magic while I’m being attacked?”
“You’ll have to trust us to protect you,” Matt says, moving closer to me. The other two follow suit, creating a small circle of protection. Quoth lands softly on my shoulder, nuzzling my cheek before taking to the air around me.
I take a deep breath and try to find my magic. I can feel it, but it doesn’t want to move. Closing my eyes and turning my mind away from the birds, I find the little ball. It answers my pleas eagerly. I direct it into the ground near where I think the door is. The ground trembles slightly. I keep my magic flowing.
“Can you push more power?” Patrick asks. He tries to sound calm, but I can hear him panting from his effort of fighting off the ravens.
I push more power through myself. I can feel the ground rocking beneath me like I’m on a boat in a storm. The bird’s calls are louder. I want to cover my ears but force myself to focus.
Wood creaks somewhere in front of me, and the birds’ attack reaches a peak. I feel claws tangle and rip into my hair and tug at my clothes.