Page 117 of Blue Falcon
He was silent for a moment. “You fell for her? As in…”
“Fuck, I don’t know. It’s probably lust. I’ll take her home and…and those feelings will fade when I get some perspective.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Was I? Not really. But falling in love with her didn’t make sense. We had nothing in common but face creams and massages. And I didn’t really know her at all. She kept herself hidden away from me, leaving me nothing but memories of a good time in the sack.
“Yeah.” But even as I said the word, I wondered if the lust and passion I felt for her was really where it ended.
It didn’t matter, though. The job was over. It was time to take her home. I ended the call with Dash and went in search of her, finding her in the kitchen with Fox.
“It’s just like juggling.”
“I’ve never juggled,” Wren said as she held two cucumbers in her hands. She tossed them in the air, a bright smile filling her face as she tossed them up, watching them spin before catching them again. I almost laughed, but stopped myself. She wasn’t smiling for me. She was smiling for Fox—the man who could pull a smile out of damn near anyone.
“See! I told you you could do it!” Fox laughed. “Alright, ready for the real thing?”
“I don’t know?—”
“Sure, you are!” Fox pulled out his knives and that’s when I realized what was really going on.
I stormed into the room and snatched the throwing knives out of his hand just as he was holding them out to her. “You are not juggling throwing knives.” I turned and glared at Fox.
“You’re no fun.”
“She’s not ready for this.”
“Says who?” Wren snapped, getting in my face.
“Be pissed at me all you want,” I growled. “Tell me you hate me and you don’t ever want to see me again, but do not play with knives just to prove a point to me.”
“Call me crazy, but I happen to like you with all your fingers and toes.”
She cocked her head, getting that indignant look on her face. “I thought you were through with me? I thought I was cold and unfeeling?”
“That doesn’t change the fact that I still feel something for you.”
“Man, that is so heavy,” Fox chuckled.
I spun around and glared at him. “Go pack up our shit. We’re leaving.”
“Ooh, and the hits just keep on coming,” he grinned. “Where are we going now? Canada? Paris? Ooh! Tanzania?”
He frowned. “Home? I don’t know, man. I don’t think Cash is gonna let you keep her at?—”
“Her home. We’re dropping her off at her mansion and heading home.”
“But…I’m confused,” he grinned. “If we drop her off, that’s it. It’s over.”
“The threat is gone?” Wren asked.
“But…you didn’t get a chance to save the girl,” Fox said in confusion. “You haven’t won her over yet. There hasn’t been any dramatic music. I had a song picked out for you and everything!”