Page 135 of Blue Falcon
“Go where? We’re in the sky.”
He turned and glared at me. “I got you on this plane. I’m taking you to find your woman. Are you really going to argue with me?”
“Uh…I was going to get her anyway.”
He narrowed his eyes at me and I suddenly remembered that he held my job in his hands. I unbuckled and stood.
“Now’s a good time.”
I followed him to the back of the plane where Lock and Edu were already waiting for me. Eva, Anna, and Juliette were sitting in the middle with Fox, laughing at something he said. I tried to imagine Wren joining that crowd, but quickly pushed it away. I didn’t want to count my eggs before they hatched.
“So, what is everyone doing here?” I asked as I slid into my seat.
“We’re here as your support team,” Cash announced.
“I am capable of doing this on my own,” I pointed out.
“That may be so, but we couldn’t risk you fucking this up.”
I thought about that a moment, then let it set in. “I don’t understand. Why couldn’t you risk letting me fuck this up?”
“Here we go,” Edu muttered.
I glanced at him, not understanding where any of this was going.
“We can’t allow you to fuck this up because then you’ll be moping around, depressed and unable to focus on your job,” Cash snapped.
“I was fired.”
He gave the biggest eye roll I’d ever seen. “You’re on a fucking plane with us. Do you really think I’d go to all the trouble of making sure you got Wren back if you were fired?”
“I’m still trying to figure out why you had me knocked out.”
“For your own good.”
“And that would be…”
“Brock…” He shifted forward in his seat, staring at me intently. “You are very good at your job. You’re smart and capable. But you’re unable to commit when it comes to women.”
“I’ve never been in a real relationship,” I pointed out. “That’s not much to go on.”
“Let’s look at a few examples. First, with Miranda—a nice girl who wanted nothing more than to find a hot guy with some action on the side. She was instantly attracted to you and was quite possibly the perfect person for you. Yet, you managed to fuck it up multiple times with her. How is it possible that you allowed yourself to get interrupted during sex that many times? And why did you even answer the door when FNG came knocking?”
“It’s because you didn’t really want to commit to her. You freaked out and decided it was better to walk away than risk something real.”
“I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t purposely fuck up sex because of some commitment that wasn’t there.”
“Wouldn’t you?”
I stared at him, wondering how I could argue with a man who was telling me my intentions with a woman.
“And then there’s Lee. She was odd, but you seemed to get along great with her, despite the fact that she thought the world was going to end at any moment. You were getting laid and the world was looking up. And then you got caught.”
“That was Dash’s fault.”