Page 139 of Blue Falcon
“But we might have a shot of figuring out some clues,” I pleaded. “It’s our only shot. If he’s in this much of a panic, it must be something big.”
“This isn’t going to help you get Wren back,” Cash said.
“No, but the way Richard was talking, he was worried about what was happening. And we all know butlers know everything. If he’s worried, we need to check it out.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Cash sighed. “I’ll go in, but you need to figure out how to stall that engagement.”
“I’m going with you.”
“He’ll never let you in.”
“I don’t give a shit. If there’s even the slightest possibility that Wren’s in danger, I need to be close to her.”
“Fine, but you stay in the car.”
I nodded. “If I see anything, I’m going in.”
“Brock, if you go in guns blazing, you’ll ruin any opportunity I have of retrieving any information,” Cash warned. “Don’t fuck this up.”
“I won’t.” Too much was on the line.
I straightened the tie strangling me and marched up the steps to the house. I couldn’t believe I was about to grovel for this asshole. I hated him and I didn’t even know him. I gave a swift knock on the door, then stepped back and studied the security around the perimeter. When we lost the job, we left the equipment behind, but we were no longer connected to the network.
Not that Rae couldn’t work her magic and get us in.
I just wanted to handle this the right way. The door swung open and Richard tilted his chin up at me. “Sir?”
“My name is Cash Owens with Owens Protective Services. I was hoping to speak with Mr. Crosby.”
“He’s in, but…he’s busy at the moment,” he said, pursing his lips. He glanced over his shoulder, then lowered his voice. “Mr. Crosby is in quite the temperamental mood. Perhaps a touch of flattery would help.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
He stepped aside and let me in, guiding me into the front room. “Please wait here while I see if he’s available.” Then his eyes moved to the corner of the room before coming back to me.
I nodded and waited for him to leave the room before strolling over to the corner of the room. There were a few pictures on the wall, all of them with business associates. There wasn’t a single picture of Wren or his wife anywhere. I took a closer look at one picture in particular. It was from a fundraiser five years ago, according to the banner in the picture.
I quickly slipped out my phone and took a picture, then sent it to Rae. Find out who this is with Ben Crosby.
“Mr. Owens,” Ben said from behind me.
I slowly turned, nodding to him. “Mr. Crosby, I hope you don’t mind me dropping in.”
“I was just about to head into the office.”
“I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to extend my sincerest apologies for the actions my employee took while watching over your daughter. I wanted you to know he is no longer with our company.”
Technically, that was true. I hadn’t told Brock he was rehired yet, though it was a given.
“And you came all the way out here to tell me that?”
“Actually, I was on business in the area, and I thought this particular apology demanded an in-person visit. Our most important clients deserve only the best from us. I’m sorry your trust in us was taken for granted.”
He watched me carefully for a moment before nodding. “I appreciate the gesture.”