Page 142 of Blue Falcon
“I knew something was wrong and I sent her back anyway.” he sighed. “You were right to fire me. I fucked up by kidnapping her and then taking her back when there was still a threat.” Then he turned and narrowed his eyes at me. “Why are you really here?”
A small smirk tilted my lips as I went back to watching the house. “I find myself playing matchmaker these days.”
“You’re running a business,” he pointed out.
“Exactly. I have to protect my investments. You were depressed as hell and pissed at yourself. I’ve known you long enough to know your head was fucked up over this woman. You needed a push out the door.”
“But how did you know I would decide to go back to her?”
“I didn’t. I hoped.”
“That’s a dirty game to play.”
I shrugged. “I needed your head on straight. And whether you walked away or went after Wren, I knew you’d be back given some time.”
“I could have walked away and gotten a new job.”
“It was a risk I had to take. She’s coming out.”
I didn’t need to look at Brock to know he was ready to jump out of the car and chase her down. His body tensed with every second that passed. The gate opened and George drove out, but with the tinted windows, we couldn’t see a thing.
Brock turned to me, irritation lacing his voice. “Are we going?”
“Relax. Tailing, remember? Lock’s on it.”
He sat back, his knee bouncing like crazy. If we weren’t able to get Wren back, I didn’t know where we went from here. Of course, he would always have a job with me. But I wasn’t in the business of mending broken hearts.
At least, not until this job.
I was dressed and ready to go to dinner, but my confidence was waning. I wasn’t sure why, but as I stared at myself in the mirror, there was just something that was…off. Everything fit perfectly. My hair was styled just as I liked it. My shoes had been thoroughly polished. My jewelry sparkled brightly around my neck.
Yet, it all felt wrong.
I felt exposed, despite being dressed in my armor that normally made me tough as nails. This was a big night for me, so why did it feel like everything was wrong? A knock at my door drew me out of my thoughts. I spun around just as my father entered, giving me an approving smile.
“There she is. Tonight’s the big night.”
“Yes,” I said, plastering a smile on my face.
“It’s moving along much faster than I anticipated, so I already called a few places, just to get an idea on what’s available. I thought perhaps you could get married at Christmas. Maybe a New Year’s wedding.”
I grimaced at the thought. “That’s only six months away. That’s hardly enough time to plan a wedding.”
“That’s why we’ll hire a wedding planner. They’ll be able to pull it together. The only thing you’ll have to worry about is the dress.”
My father and soon-to-be fiancé were taking over this wedding, pushing it forward at full steam. Just the thought of getting married in six months made chills skitter down my spine. I knew this was coming. It’s what I always wanted, but now it all seemed wrong.
“It’s just nerves, Wren,” my father said as if he could read my mind. He took my hands in his and gave them a squeeze. “I was the same way before my wedding to your mother. I was terrified of what was coming.”
“It got better?”
“Your mother handled it all like a warrior. It was amazing. I didn’t have to worry about a thing. Of course, she was always in control of everything. It’s why we worked so well together. She handled everything inside the house, and I took care of the finances. We were a great team.”
That was the most I had ever heard him speak of my mother. And it was probably the nicest thing he ever said about her. “Did you love her?”