Page 147 of Blue Falcon
“There she is,” Cash said.
I saw the sparkle of her dress, the tight smile on her face, and the way Bryce guided her out of the restaurant and down the sidewalk to the waiting car. Something caught my attention and I looked further down the road. A black van was creeping down the road, going way too slow.
“It doesn’t belong,” I whispered.
“What doesn’t belong?” Cash asked.
I flung the door open and shot out of the car as Cash yelled at me. I didn’t know how I knew this was it, but I didn’t give it a second thought. I was racing across the street when the van jerked to a stop and a scream tore through the night. I could hear Cash yelling at me and saw Lock racing toward me in the distance.
I rounded the van just as Wren was being forced into the back of it. I grabbed her arm, jerking her out of the grasp of her kidnappers. Pulling my gun, I fired two shots, hitting the man in the chest. He fell back into the van, but he wasn’t alone. I saw the gun just as the man extended his arm from the shadows. I shoved Wren behind me, raising my weapon a second time, but I was too late.
The first bullet pierced my chest, sending me flying back. The second hit my shoulder, but it was the third that sent me sprawling to the ground. I grabbed Wren’s arm, yanking her with me as I fell, still trying to protect her from her attackers.
I vaguely heard her shouting for me, but all sounds muted to a barely decipherable level. As my head hit the ground, I finally inhaled, sucking in a staggering breath. My eyes rolled to the side, just as Bryce turned and faced the kidnapper, nodding to him.
It’s all wrong.
I didn’t even think as I raised my arm and fired a single shot, putting a bullet right between Bryce’s eyes.
I screamed as Brock fired another shot. I was completely aware of the fact that he just shot Bryce, but the only thing I could think about was the fact that blood was seeping out of Brock’s shirt and spilling onto the ground.
“Brock!” I shouted, pressing my hands to his chest. I tried to remember what Fox told me about keeping pressure on the wound, but there were too many of them. How many times had he been shot?
Tears coated my vision, making it impossible to see what was happening. Arms pulled at me, trying to tear me from his side. I fought them off, screaming hysterically to keep everyone away from him. I swiped the tears from my face and stared into his blue eyes as his head slowly turned to face me.
“Wren,” he breathed, his voice low and choked.
“I’m here,” I whispered. “I’m here.”
“You’re safe.”
His eyes fluttered shut and I cried out, desperate to keep him awake. I swore I could feel my heart shatter as someone pulled me away from him and another body replaced mine. Someone was holding me up, but I didn’t register anything other than the fact that Brock was bleeding out on the ground and his boss and Lock were pressing their hands to his chest.
The sounds of sirens in the distance fluttered through my mind, but it wasn’t until they screeched to a stop in front of me that I realized what was happening. They were here to take Brock away. I struggled against whoever was holding me back, but he was too strong.
“Wren, just listen!”
“He’s dying!”
“We have to get him to the hospital. You need to calm down.”
I spun around, feeling like I was losing my mind. It was Edu holding me back, and the insane look in his eyes matched what I was feeling inside. “I can’t—He’s?—”
“I know, but you have to let them do their job,” Edu said calmly. “Are you hurt?”
“What?” I gasped in a breath.
“Are you hurt,” he repeated slowly.
“He’s shot!” I pointed out. “He was protecting me and—” I couldn’t finish the words. It was all so unreal. I had seen him injured before, but this…I never imagined this would happen. Brock had saved my life—sacrificed himself for me. How could I live with myself knowing the man I loved was dying right now, and it was all my fault?
Edu pulled me into his arms, running his hand up and down my back. I couldn’t do this—not on my own. “I need Fox.”