Page 26 of Blue Falcon
I brought a bottle of wine with me back to my bedroom, along with a wine glass. It wasn’t often I had nights in, but I enjoyed the relaxation and the extra time to pamper myself. I washed my face and applied my mask, taking the extra time to hit my trouble zones.
After drawing a bath and setting the mood, I stepped into the warm water and sank down into the bubbles. With my wine perched on the ledge, I could finally relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. Soft music lulled me into a sleepy state and it seemed like hours slipped by as I drank my wine and soaked in my luxurious bath.
“Right there.”
My eyes flew open and I jolted upright in the tub.
“This isn’t the right fitting.”
“Well, you were in charge of packing the equipment.”
“I thought you were packing it.”
“If I was packing it, I wouldn’t be telling you that you were in charge of it.”
“Well, if I thought I was in charge of it, I wouldn’t be saying that I thought you were supposed to be packing it!”
I sprang up from my bath, nearly dropping my wine glass in the water. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around my body and stomped over to the door, flinging it open.
“What is going on here?”
Edu spun and gasped in horror as he stared at my face. Yes, I wore a face mask. It was a part of my weekly skincare routine, and I wasn’t about to let some gorilla shame me over that.
“We’re installing security measures in the house,” Brock answered.
“And you thought now was the time to do it, when I’m in my bath?”
“Well, we didn’t know you were in the bath,” Edu said, shifting uncomfortably. He cleared his throat. “Um…your towel isn’t closed.”
I looked down and gasped as I tugged the towel closed in the front. “And since you know I’m here, perhaps you should consider leaving.”
“No can do,” Brock grinned, his eyes lingering on where my towel was just open. “Uh…now that we’ve started, if we don’t finish, it’ll throw the whole system off.”
“Well, I really don’t care. I’m using the bathroom.”
“Oh, we’ll be in there next,” he assured me. “Is that the new Blanca Rosa mask?” he asked, walking toward me. I took a step back when his hand came up, and then he was touching my face, studying me carefully. “It’s so smooth. I can’t wait to try it.”
“Try…the Blanca Rosa?”
“Hey, it’s great for your skin. I may be a man, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t take care of my face.”
I actually agreed with him, but I didn’t expect him to say anything like that. “How do you know about Blanca Rosa?”
He scoffed. “Uh, because anyone who knows anything about skincare regimens knows that it’s the best brand out there.”
“What do you think of their new blemish cream?”
“Uh-mazing! I had this thing right here,” he pointed at his chin. “It just popped up one morning. I had no idea what I did wrong. I exfoliated the night before, and I always keep it clean. Then the next morning—zing! There it was. I put that cream on and by the end of the day, it was zits-no-more.”
“I know, right? The first time I tried their face wash, I was converted. I tried to go back to my regular skincare routine, just to see if there was a difference…” I shook my head, chuckling slightly. “Never again. I love how silky it feels on my skin.”
“Tell me about it. And that under-eye mask is amazing. I use it every morning.”
“Me too!” I grinned. “I can’t go out and be seen with bags under my eyes.”
“Well, I don’t have that problem, but cameras or not, I’ll know if my skin is baggy.”
“Precisely. It’s just weird to think of all of the people out there who don’t take proper care of their skin.”