Page 57 of Blue Falcon
“Well, let me be the first to tell you that it’s fucking ugly. And you know what’s worse?”
“Why don’t you tell me,” he snapped.
“When you pair it with that red plaid shirt and your American flag bandana,” I laughed. “Do you have any idea how much of a fucking hillbilly you look like?”
“No, because I don’t care about stuff like that!”
“Really? Then you wouldn’t care that when you wore it to the store last week, a hot woman saw your face and was about to walk over, but the minute you stepped out from behind the display, she grimaced and walked away!”
“She did not!”
“It’s the fucking woman repeller! How do you not see that?”
“Because I wear what I like.”
“Then wear it as much as you like,” I laughed. “But you’ll be going home alone every fucking night.”
“Maybe I will!”
We sat in silence as we drove down the road. Two minutes later, we pulled into a darkened drive that led back to an abandoned building. I got out, still not speaking to the prick as we made our way to the door. I hit the buzzer on the door and waited for Fox to show up.
“Is it really that bad?” Edu asked.
“Fucking burn it.”
Fox had the guy tied to a chair, which was tame for him. However, the guy was fucking shaking. I couldn’t say I was surprised. Fox went all out, making sure to bring out all his fancy weapons, laying them out on the table to scare the crap out of the guy.
Not that he would use any of them. He didn’t like to use tools on people. He settled for knives and acid more times than not.
“Are we ready to get started?” Fox asked with a big grin.
“No torture,” I whispered. “Lock’s orders.”
“Yeah, but he didn’t really mean it,” Fox laughed. “Why would Lock send me to take the guy if he didn’t want me to have a little fun?”
“Look at it as your reentry into the business,” I told him. “He’s afraid you might go too hard too fast.”
“Me? Nah!”
“Okay, but you still can’t torture him.”
“I’ll be good. I promise.”
“Fox,” Edu cut in. “We don’t even have any proof this guy did anything other than take pictures of her.”
“And stalk her,” Fox clarified. “I saw the pics. He was outside her house.”
“Okay, but that doesn’t mean you can torture the guy.”
He winked at me. “Gotcha. I heard it from you.”
He turned and walked away. “Fox! I’m serious!”
“Yep, I totally hear you.”