Page 6 of Blue Falcon
I closed my eyes in humiliation when I heard Sarah’s voice, followed by her gasp.
“Oh my gosh. I didn’t see a thing. I swear!”
“Is this the woman you’ve been trying to sleep with?” Lee asked.
I nodded, wishing the ball gag was out of my mouth.
“Interesting. She’s…just like you.”
“What does that mean?” Miranda asked, thrusting her hand on her hip.
“Oh, nothing. I was simply implying that Brock is very into his looks and so are you.”
This was not going well at all. I turned to face Lee and mumbled behind the gag, not that she could understand me.
“And what is wrong with wanting to look nice?” Miranda snapped.
“Nothing. Personally, I’m not with Brock for his looks. I’m only using him for sex. But you can have him. He was starting to get boring.”
My head swiveled to face Lee again, and I shouted at her this time. “Would you please take this off?” Not that she could hear me. Everything was muffled behind the gag.
“Who’s boring—whoa,” Dash chuckled, shaking his head as he walked into the room. “Dude, I knew I was sending her up to walk in on you two, but I had no idea you were into this shit.”
“You knew he had another woman up here?” Miranda snapped.
“Call it payback,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. “I know it was you.”
“You have no proof.”
“I’ll get it,” he said, stepping into her space.
“Would someone please get this gag off of me?” I shouted again behind the gag, but no one was paying attention to me.
“Good luck with that,” Miranda grinned.
“Well, this was fun, but I think I’ll pack up and head out,” Lee said, her voice holding the usual bored tone. “Not that it matters much anyway. I was bound to have one or two bad fucks before I died.”
“I wasn’t a bad fuck!” I shouted behind the gag.
This was all happening in the wrong way. If no one had walked in on us, I’d be getting laid right now. Lee strode over to the bed and packed up her stuff. I shuffled on my knees, finding it impossible to get to my feet with so many people around. Still, I felt like I should at least try to explain to Lee.
“Dude, you might want to cover up,” Dash laughed as I jumped to my feet.
I glanced down and watched my dick shrivel up under scrutiny. Miranda’s eyes shot up in surprise and Sarah did her best to hide.
“Can you please undo my cuffs?” I mumbled, getting absolutely nowhere. I turned and backed up until I was practically shoving my ass against Sarah.
She squealed, squirming away from me. “Okay, okay!” she shouted over Dash’s laugher. “Ew, this is so gross.”
I glared at Dash, then pointed down with my eyes, hoping he’d take the hint. Finally, he stepped forward and pulled on the gag, then let it slam back into my mouth. Water pricked my eyes from the pain and I glared further at him.
“This is just too easy,” he laughed.
“It’s just a little pain,” Lee said, reaching behind my head to undo the strap. “Men are such babies. When the earth is consumed by fire, women are going to be the only people still standing.”
I shook out my jaw as she finally released it and tossed it in her bag. “Miranda, this is not what it looks like.”
“It looks like you were being dominated.”