Page 90 of Blue Falcon
“I know, and we’ll figure something out. In the meantime?—”
“In the meantime, I just continue to wear this dirty nightie?” I gasped.
“Wren, it’s not as bad as it sounds.”
“You’re right,” I whispered. “It’s so much worse.”
“At least you’re not dead.”
I huffed out a laugh at that. “I might as well be.”
“You know, I know this probably doesn’t mean a lot to you right now, but one of the guys I know…he met a woman a lot like you in Arches National Park. She didn’t know what she was doing either, but she made it through and things turned out great.”
My eyes slowly drifted up to meet his. “She was like me?”
“Well…not exactly. She had a job. And she was fairly self-reliant.”
My chin quivered as I considered what he was saying. “Are you telling me that this isn’t just for a night or two? That we might actually be living like this for the foreseeable future?”
“Wren, it’s really not that bad. If Bree could make it, so can you.”
I wasn’t sure how I would survive, but one thing I was positive of, I would never let another woman prove she could do something I couldn’t. I gave a stiff nod and let him see the determination shining bright in my eyes, though my stomach was churning.
I was going to be sick.
“Boss,” Rae said, storming into my office.
Sighing, I sat back in my chair, waiting for whatever distressing news she had for me. She always stormed in when it was something bad. And lately, she did that a lot. I was beginning to think my days would always be shitty.
“Let me guess. Something went wrong.”
She cocked her head at me, a touch of a grin on her lips. I fucking hated when she grinned. It either meant something good was happening or something I wouldn’t like. And there was no fucking way to tell which way it would go.
“That depends on how you want to see this.”
“I fucking knew it. Alright, what is it?”
“The plane has landed and the contract with the client has been terminated.”
“And everyone’s arrived safely?” I asked.
“Juliette and Anna are at home as we speak.”
I caught the way she only mentioned the girls’ names. “And the rest of them?”
“Edu is downstairs right now with Lock and Scottie. They…were a little…worn out by the trip.”
“What does that mean?”
“What does what mean?” she asked, purposely avoiding answering the question.
“You know what I mean, Rae. Don’t fuck with me,” I snapped.
She walked around the corner of my desk, propping her hip up on the corner. “Boss…how are you today?”