Page 20 of Iron Rations
“Drug cartel numero uno,” Rafe answered. “He’s part of The Syndicate, but he also supplies drugs to the traffickers to keep the merchandise under control.”
That made my stomach roll. “What happens if you steal this shipment?”
“We’re one step closer to tearing down the organization.”
“He’s always one step closer,” Cash pointed out.
“He’s getting angry because his shipments keep going missing,” Rafe continued. “I need to make him so angry that he makes a mistake. I need him to come off his island.”
“He lives on an island?”
“The very one FNG tried to get to.”
“And he’s still alive?” I grinned. “Pretty impressive.”
“What’s so special about this island?” Chase asked.
“Nothing,” Rafe said, his eyes flicking to Chase. “It’s not about the island. It’s about getting to him. We need to cut the head off the snake.”
“You do that, another one pops up,” I said. “Look at Ambrose Buchanan. Jade’s father. Asher killed him and someone is already stepping into his shoes.”
“So, that’s your plan, right? Bad shit happens and you turn your head and pretend it’s not happening,” Rafe sneered.
“What would you have me do? Devote my life to taking out these guys, only to watch as more men move in? That’s why we need governments?—”
“To stand around and do nothing?” Rafe snapped. “I worked for them. I watched as they did nothing. Have you ever seen the women they steal and sell? How about the children? Or what happens to the people in the US who are unlucky enough to get their hands on the product these guys sell? The Syndicate functions so well because these men all know they have something to lose. They all help each other, and if that help runs out—if we can keep putting a chink in the chain, eventually, it crumbles. Yes, someone will rebuild, but there are thousands of people dying every day because of these people. Someone has to stop them.”
That was a very impassioned speech. I never knew Rafe was so emphatic about ending this, and based on the look on Cash’s face, he wasn’t expecting that speech either.
“What do you need?” he finally asked.
“I need a team for tomorrow night. I can’t go in. If I’m seen, they’ll know I’m behind it.”
“Won’t they already suspect you?” Cash asked.
“They won’t move just because they suspect me. They’ve already been digging into my movements. I’m trying to keep them from tracking me.”
“Why?” Cash asked.
“I have another job I need to do when I get closer. It has to be me.”
“What’s the job?”
Rafe looked up at me and then Chase before settling on Fox. “I’ll let you know when the time comes. Until then, I need to keep pushing forward. It’s a simple in and out. The drugs are being held in Hugo’s storage center.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a keycard. “This gets you through the gate.”
“That’s from Hugo’s pocket,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him. “The woman…”
“She was working for me.”
“Christ,” Cash sighed. “Why can’t you just come to me like a normal person and ask for help? That woman gave Patrick a concussion.”
Rafe smirked at him. “Once you’re through the gate, you find the shipping container and unlock it with this key,” he said, sliding a key into the center of the table. “After that, it’s as simple as taking apart the container and finding the drugs.”
“As simple as that, huh?” Cash snorted.
“Hugo supplies shipping containers that have built-in walls. They beat the X-ray machines and pass inspection. Inside the containers are cheap knockoffs from China. Nothing of value and nothing customs will look at twice. He has this all worked out for his clients, but since I’ve figured it out, I can slip in and steal his product.”
“Won’t he know that you’ll be there since you’ve stolen from him before?” I asked.