Page 62 of Iron Rations
“That might be a problem.”
“Why?” Nicholas asked, turning sharply to me.
I hadn’t exactly told him why the Russian mob was shooting at me. Only that it was them.
“Well…Snatch was supposed to steal the eggs as payment for services rendered.”
“And you still took them knowing the Russian mob would be coming for you?” he shouted.
“He tried to kill me. He threw me off a building!”
“Call them!” he shouted. “Return the eggs and walk away!”
“I can’t do that!”
“Because at this point, they probably think I’m the enemy. As soon as Snatch called them, any chance I had at making things right went out the window. As soon as they get their hands on the eggs, I’m dead.”
Silence fell over the room until Fox spoke.
“I bet that chicken farm is looking pretty good right about now.”
“Shut up,” Nicholas grumbled.
“Hey, I’m just saying, a chicken farm would be a great place to hide out. And there would be plenty of space to bury bodies. Besides, think of all the eggs we’d have on hand.”
“You realize it takes like six months for a chick to lay eggs, right?” FNG said.
“Six months? That can’t be right.”
“And it’s sporadic at best until they’re a little older.”
Fox’s frown deepened. “But…that wasn’t in the plan. Maybe we need to rethink this whole chicken thing. Maybe we should go for cattle. Think of all the shawarma we could make.”
“I’m sorry,” I cut in. “What is it with you and this farm?”
“No,” Nicholas cut in. “We’re not doing this. We have bigger things to think about than farming.”
“Yeah, like how we’re going to keep the Russians off our back and keep our promise to the owner. It’s officially a job now. We can’t brush it off.”
“Ooh!” Fox piped up. “You know what we should do?—”
“We’re not watching a musical,” Rae said blankly.
“Hey, Oklahoma is full of great ideas. They sang a song and killed the bad guy just minutes later.”
“It’s a movie,” Nicholas snapped. “It’s hardly the same thing.”
“So, we steal three more eggs and then everybody wins,” I suggested. “It would be easier than trying to keep everyone off our backs.”
FNG grinned. “I like the way she thinks.”
“You want to solve this by stealing from someone else? That’s sort of how you got in trouble in the first place,” Nicholas retorted.
“You know, I liked you at first, but you’re kind of killing the whole dangerous vibe I had going in my mind.”