Page 166 of Tease Me
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, would you consider coming to work under me to take over my business in five years? We can wait to transition you in after you’re finished learning at Morrigan Technology, but Seth and I have been talking.”
“You have?” Seth hasn’t mentioned it to me.
“I’ve been interested in you since our meeting. You’re intelligent and the way you absorb everything is something special. There aren’t many people who can go into an interview and talk about their private lives with the same poise you showed. Especially something as scandalous as having a sex contract with your bosses. But you went out there and clarified the important parts while ignoring the interviewer’s tactics to get you to admit to anything more. That’s a good skill to have when you work in an industry focused on feminine pleasure.”
I draw in a breath. That interview was hard but necessary.
“You’re looking to level up. You’re ambitious and driven. I need that quality in whoever takes over Cliodhna. We need someone who will make sure this business keeps growing.” Deidre tilts her head. “I think that someone is you, but you’ll need training.”
“I’m honored, and a little speechless to be honest.” I swallow as my brain spins on the details. “If it doesn’t work out...”
“You work with me for five years and then you move on if it’s not a fit.” Deidre’s shrewd eyes search mine. “It’ll pay you enough to have a nest egg to start your own business, but I think you’ll find it’s the right place for you. If not, you’ll learn more about starting your own business and what it takes to run one. Those men were smart to hire you. I believe I have additional knowledge that will help you move into something else or take over Cliodhna.”
I take a deep breath like I’m about to plunge into an icy cold lake. This might be just the opportunity I’ve been looking for.
“But first, let’s start with that mentorship.” Deidre pats my hand. “I just wanted you to know where my head is at because even during the mentorship, I’ll be picking at your brain to figure out if you’re a good fit. Does that worry you?”
“Not at all.” I smile. “Should I call you on Monday to figure out a schedule?”
“Absolutely. Do you still have my card?”
“Yes. I can’t wait to get started.” I stand and smooth down my skirt.
Deidre rises and holds out her hand to shake mine. “We’ll make a fantastic team.”
Chapter 173
Madison is taking too long. I scoot my chair back.
“Blake.” Seth’s tone is a warning. “She needs this.”
Fuck that. She needs to be wrapped in Bubble Wrap and strapped to one of our beds.
“Seth’s right. She’s still getting over the incident.” Noah glances toward the bathrooms. “She needs to do things on her own to find her legs again.”
“Fuck.” I move my chair back farther. “I know, but?—”
“But she’s a capable woman and she’ll always find her way back to us.” Coop nods in the bathroom’s direction as Madison works her way through the tables.
I take in every inch of her, looking for anything out of place. She wasn’t the only one traumatized by the stalker. We’re all a little more wary. A little more on guard.
When she joins us, we all stand. She flushes with a smile as Noah holds her chair out for her. After she sits, we all lower into our chairs.
“Ran into Deidre Byrne in the bathroom.” Madison glances at Seth. “She wants to mentor me and then have me come work with her to see if I’m a good fit to take over Cliodhna.”
Seth grins and leans in to kiss her. “That sounds like something to celebrate.”
He catches the attention of our server.
“What do you think?” Her blue eyes search mine.
“I think she’d be insane to pass you up.” I smirk. As much as I want to keep her locked away in the tower, I know she needs to fly on her own too. “Seth’s just excited about the toys.”