Page 107 of Dark Obsessions
I’d woken up to Hades running his hands along every inch of my nude form.
The sun had barely been peeking through the curtains, and I was trapped between that wistfulness of sleep and being fully awake.
I stretched out for him, but kept my eyes closed as I let him memorize every inch and dip, hollow and curve that made up my body.
He murmured how good I made him feel, how addictive I tasted, and how sweet I smelled.
He made me come twice. Then he wrapped his hand around my throat, tilted my head so he could give me a deep, thorough kiss, and murmured against my lips to be a good girl for him today.
Hades covered me back up, got dressed in his three-piece suit, and left for work.
I lay there for an hour, unable to go back to sleep, my body still humming with what he’d done to me.
That had been hours ago. Since then I’d eaten breakfast, showered, and dressed for the day, and spent Sunday familiarizing myself with the house even more.
There were so many nooks and crannies, halls and rooms I’d never ventured to. I hadn’t realized just how big the house was from the outside.
So I used today to just get acquainted with everything.
I was in such a strange place right now. The situation with Hades wasn’t something I’d ever expected, but even still, I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to see how far we’d go.
I weaved down one hall until I entered the kitchen. I found myself in the staff quarters. I could smell fresh baking bread, the sound of the clanking of utensils on dinnerware loud.
A few of the staff were talking, their voices animated. I didn’t want to eavesdrop or invade their privacy, but the surrounding atmosphere was pleasant.
It was almost familiar. It was very clear they cared for each other by the way they poked fun at each other, by the genuine laughter that came from each of them.
I supposed they had to have formed some kind of family unit living with a man like Hades, who didn’t show emotion. I was pretty sure if he had a gun to his head and his life was on the line, Hades still wouldn’t break.
I’d never had that with my parents, not really. Certainly not with the few staff that had worked in our home throughout the years.
I hadn’t been lying to Hades when I said I loved my father and he loved me. That was all true. When he was home, he doted on me, gave me affection.
The fact of the matter was, he hadn’t been home that much. He’d always been traveling for work. We never sat down as a family and played board games or had Sunday dinner together.
So this wasn’t that much of a change in my life. I was used to being alone. The only real family time I had was when I’d been forced to go to their parties, to be around people I didn’t know, but wouldn’t have liked even if I had.
I moved away from the kitchen and kept on with my exploration. Although I’d said a few friendly words here and there, the staff was still a little standoffish with me. And I wondered if it had everything to do with them not wanting to associate with me because of him.
He could rub people the wrong way with just a look.
I spent some time walking the gardens outside before I found myself back in the house. I came to a part of the estate I hadn’t been to. I checked in a few of the rooms, the inside feeling cold and almost dead, as if no one had lived in this part for a long time.
Everything was sealed up, with the furniture and light fixtures draped with white cloth to keep the dust off.
There was a room at the end of the hall, a heavy wooden door with ornate engravings around the trim. The handle was thick and large, a shiny brass object that wasa little intimidating for the entrance to a room.
I stopped in front of the door and reached for the handle, about to open it, when I felt a hand land on my shoulder, the motion causing me to startle and spin around.
One of the staff glowered down at me, her forehead becoming extra wrinkly. Her expression made me feel like a petulant child who had been caught breaking the rules.
“You’re not supposed to be in this part of the house.”
I couldn’t remember her name, but she was one of Hades’ employees who barely even looked at me. She pulled me away from the door, her scowl deepening.
“Mr. Cronus surely told you to stay out of this part of the estate.”
He hadn’t, but I didn’t bother telling her that.