Page 184 of Dark Obsessions
It was a Saturday night when I clocked out and headed home, my purse slung over my shoulder, my hand in the bag.
Although I still had the knife with me, I also had pepper spray, my finger pressed over the nozzle just in case and always at the ready.
Nobody really bothered me, not aside from that one college douchebag. But I hadn’t seen him since. I’d stayed away from the pub after that incident, but being cautious meant little.
The streets were busy for the weekend, college kids milling around, older people enjoying their drinks on the outside patios at the little, chic bars.
I glanced at the street to see cars passing. A dark SUV with tinted-out windows caught my attention. There wasn’t anything special about it. It looked like any other vehicle that I saw. But as I stared at it, I felt this strange tingling in the pit of my belly.
My mind instantly went to Matteo. I wanted so badly to believe it was him. Foolish, stupid girl, my mind whispered.
Wanting to play with fire even though I knew I’d get burned was apparently a new trend with me.
I rounded the corner and glanced over my shoulder at that SUV once more. I swore I felt the driver watching me even if I couldn’t see through the dark windows.
When I faced forward once more, I ran into somebody so hard I stumbled back and had to brace a hand on the building beside me. He cursed out a juicy and lewd comment.
“The fuck. Watch where you’re going.” His voice was deep and raspy, a little lazy because it was clear he’d been drinking.
I only gave him one quick look before mumbling an apology and continuing to walk.
Fuck this. I was going to move to the mountains. I’d find a little cabin in the middle of nowhere. If I was going to feel alone amongst crowds of people, I might as well feel the same way by myself without these fuckers invading my space.
Go to Matteo, my mind whispered. Demand he be honest with himself and you.
I was making a change tomorrow. Fuck this place. I’d pack up my bag, head to the bus station, and pick a city far away. And when I got there, I’d do the same thing. I wouldn’t stop until I was in the middle of nowhere.
Coming up on my building, I was suddenly pushed from behind. I stumbled and fell to my knees, my hands landing hard on the ground, the heels of my palms getting scraped up.
“Oh shit,” the slurred, masculine voice said from behind me.
I was about to pull myself up, but his hands on my waist propelled the action so I had no choice to do it on my own.
“I’m sorry.” He laughed.
I shoved myself away from him, looking down at my skinned palms, and hissed out when I felt the sting of them when I ran them down my jeans.
“It’s fine.” I went to leave when he grabbed my arm.
“Hey.” His hand tightened on my wrist, and I grimaced.
“Let go.” I pulled on my arm, but his hold was like a vise.
He let go but moved forward so I was forced to step back. I realized we were now in the side alley in between a closed bakery and car dealership.
“I think I’ve seen you before.” He was grinning, all sweaty and smelling of beer. “Yeah.” He pointed to me, his smile widening. “You work down the street. At that fifties diner, yeah?”
“I have to go.” I went to move around him but he stepped forward, crowding me so I moved back again, the brick of the wall forcing me to stay in place.
Something changed in his expression the longer he stared at me.
Heart slamming hard in my chest, I kept my focus on him as I reached in my bag and curled my hand around the first thing I felt. The knife.
My flight-or-fight instinct kicked into gear. But more importantly… my strength rose.
“I bet you smell good.” He leaned in. “I bet you feel even better between those long legs.” He pressed his body against me, his erection thick and threatening.
Fuck. No.