Page 111 of The Rocker's Muse
He lowered his voice. “I kind of can’t wait for everyone to leave tonight. I just want to be alone with you.”
“Oh my gosh, I was just thinking the same thing. Want me to start singing? That’ll scare them away.”
He pinched my side playfully. “You’re lucky I love you with that voice.”
“Actually, I have a better idea if you really want to give them a hint,” I said.
“It’s time for Rusty’s swim.” I winked.
Tristan flashed a mischievous grin.
We’d had to keep our dog, Rusty, inside all night because he had a tendency to get a little too excited around the pool.
I went inside to get him. The moment he spotted me, Rusty wagged his tail. I led him out to the patio. “Rusty has been dying for a swim,” I announced to our guests. “Hope you guys don’t mind!”
Everyone basically ignored my warning until our dog did what he did best, jumping into the pool with a huge splash, sending a deluge of water everywhere.
Tristan cracked up as he winked at me. Rusty continued to splash around for a while and then managed to get himself out of the pool, proceeding to shake on the deck, sending water flying. Doug and his girlfriend were the first to start gathering their things, and the other people left followed suit.
“So sorry about that,” I told everyone. “He has a little too much fun sometimes.”
“No worries,” Doug’s girlfriend, Jane, said. “We need to get going anyway.”
After everyone finally left, Tristan collapsed on one of the lounge chairs and patted his chest, prompting me to sit on top of him. With my back against him, he cradled me in his arms.
“Your Rusty idea was freaking brilliant. It’s only eight PM, and we’ve cleared them all out.”
“Thank you. But Rusty did all the work.”
He rested his chin on my head. “The lights are cool, huh?”
“I’m glad you pushed forward with that task. They turned out really pretty, and I especially like them now that it’s just the two of us.”
“Well, that was my hope. I didn’t do it for everyone else. I did this for us. That’s why I was so adamant about it. For this moment.”
“Hmmm…” I hummed, feeling so relaxed.
He began to massage my head. I bent my neck back and closed my eyes, relishing this feeling of being loved.
“I need you to stand up for a minute,” he said. “I need you to see me.”
We both stood, and I turned to find Tristan reaching into his pocket. My heart raced as he took out a box.
Is he doing what I think he is?
He opened it and inside was…
I tilted my head.
Inside was my scrunchie. The one he’d stolen from me back on the tour.
“I can’t believe you still have that.”
“Are you kidding? It’s my most prized possession. What did you think, I lost it?”
“I hadn’t thought about it, but yeah, I would’ve assumed it was long gone.”