Page 39 of The Rocker's Muse
Talked a bit. We’d had intimate conversations, I’d told him most of my secrets, and I felt like he could see through my soul. Talked a bit, yeah.
“What have you talked about?”
“All sorts of things. Life. He’s not as egotistical as you’d think someone with his level of fame might be. He said he appreciates me because I never treat him any differently because he’s famous.”
“Well, that’s cool. It would be disappointing to find out he’s an asshole.”
“He’s definitely not.”
“What about the other guys? Atticus and Ronan are so freaking hot. I swear, the three of them together…”
“I don’t really know them as much. Atticus and Ronan are the wild ones. They like to party more than Tristan. They work hard but play harder.”
“They’re a little younger than Tristan, right?”
“Yeah. Tristan is almost thirty-eight. Atticus and Ronan are in their early thirties, I believe.”
“What about the other guy?”
“The keyboardist? That’s Melvin. He’s nice but not really part of their close circle. Anders is the original one, but he’s in rehab, and they don’t know when he’s coming back.”
“They must get a ton of girls, huh?”
“They do,” I agreed, ignoring the knot in my stomach.
“Can’t say I blame them. I’d be dangerous in their shoes if I had a dick,” she joked.
“Wouldn’t we all.” I chuckled.
“I’m sorry I won’t get a chance to see you while you’re in town,” she said. “I can’t believe I’m away visiting Chase while you’ll be in Shady Hills.”
Leah had recently met a guy from out of state. But it worked out just as well that she wouldn’t be home while I was in town. I wouldn’t have much time to hang out with her since I mainly wanted to spend time with my mother.
“No worries. Enjoy your time with Chase.” I paused. “Anyway, I have to run. I’ve got to get down to the arena.”
“Wait, before you hang up. Do you mind if I repost the hiccupping video on social media and say you’re my friend?”
I rolled my eyes. “Go for it.”
Leah giggled. “It’ll be my fifteen seconds of fame.”
“Glad to help.”
Despite his better vocals at the last show in Chicago, the raspiness I’d noticed when Tristan wasn’t having a good night came back for the St. Louis performance this evening. It made me sad for him, especially since he’d thought he’d been turning a corner by resting his voice during the day. There was a second show planned here tomorrow night, so he wouldn’t even have a full day to rest it this time.
I didn’t see Tristan after tonight’s show because I left before it ended to go to my mom’s. Since my hometown was an hour from St. Louis, I’d gotten special permission to leave the crew and spend the night at home. I’d gotten the day off tomorrow, too, but would have to rejoin everyone after the second St. Louis show tomorrow night in order to board the bus and leave for the next city. This was my one and only chance to see my mother, and I was so grateful for the time off.
When the car dropped me in front of my mom’s house, I took a deep breath. Coming here was always a mix of emotions. So many good memories, but many bad ones.
The smell of chicken cooking in the crockpot greeted me when I entered the house and dropped my bag.
My mother came running. “You made it!”
After a long hug that was followed by my quick recap of tour life thus far, I joined her in the kitchen. Together we prepared the chicken enchiladas she’d started.
“I can’t believe my beautiful baby girl is here.”