Page 46 of The Rocker's Muse
Emily shrugged. “She wasn’t mad, but she did wonder if there was anything going on between us.”
My pulse began to race. “Did you tell her there wasn’t?”
“I did.” She stared into my eyes. “That’s the truth, right?”
“Right.” But as the seconds passed, I gave in to the urge to confess. “I need to be honest with you about something.”
She shifted in her seat. “Okay…”
“When you told your mother this morning that you trust me, that meant a lot. But I shouldn’t be fully trusted. Because I’ve been lying to you.”
Concern crossed her face. “About what?”
“I’ve lied in the past when I said I didn’t like you that way.” I let out a shaky breath. “I like you every way. Even the ways I shouldn’t. But I have no business crossing any lines with you, and I don’t intend to. As you already know, I’m a lot older, and my lifestyle is all wrong for you. So, basically…my intentions are pure, but my desires aren’t. I just thought you should know. Maybe you won’t trust me as much.”
She swallowed hard, her eyes falling to my lips. “Doesn’t sound like you trust yourself…”
“I definitely don’t fully trust myself around you anymore. Especially when you look at me the way you do sometimes…like you’re looking at me right now.”
She drew in a shaky breath. “You’ve never been with anyone as young as me?”
“I didn’t say that. But you’re not a one-night kind of girl. I like you, more than I’ve liked anyone in a very long time. I don’t want to mess with your heart. A girl like you needs someone nice to settle down with, not some self-absorbed asshole musician who’s always on the road and can’t even go anywhere without security. I don’t want that for you. I want better.”
Emily turned her nose up. “Well, lucky for you, I’m not interested in you romantically.” Her face was red as a beet. I couldn’t tell if she was lying or if I’d just made her really uncomfortable.
“Good.” I nodded. “Smart girl,” I added, barely audible. My eyes never left hers as we sat in silence, the soft hum of the furnace the only sound. The air felt charged with electricity, every moment and every breath amplified. Despite my applauding her supposed lack of interest in me, I wanted nothing more than to taste her lips right now. It was like nothing I’d just said mattered. Because if she’d been interested and willing, I would’ve kissed the hell out of her.
Emily shifted closer to me, our knees now touching. My dick stiffened as I became more aware of the heat of her body, her flowery scent. I still somehow managed to refrain from leaning in and taking her mouth with mine, but though Emily had said she wasn’t interested in me, the look in her eyes sent a different message.
Yet despite my hopeful interpretation, I needed to respect what she was telling me, with words, that is. In fact, I hoped it was true, that she had no interest in me beyond friendship. That would make my dilemma a hell of a lot easier.
“Maybe we should head back,” she finally said after clearing her throat. “You still have to have your talk with the guys. You can’t avoid them forever, you know?”
“Okay.” I let out a long breath. “Yeah.”
The last thing I wanted was to leave, but this was her house, and if she was done here, it was time to go. Perhaps that was the best decision, given the tension in the air right now.
I expected her to get up, to start gathering her things. Instead, she stayed sitting next to me, not moving an inch. I prayed she couldn’t tell I was getting hard.
When she finally did move, it wasn’t to get off the couch. Emily leaned in and shocked the living hell out of me.
I couldn’t tell you what came over me.
Was it the way he was looking at me—like he wanted to devour me—or just the way I’d been feeling about him for so long? What made me lose control like that?
But after I leaned in, I stopped short of actually placing my lips on his.
Instead, I chickened out and retreated, stumbling on my words. “I lied when I said I wasn’t interested in you. I just don’t want to be. It’s dangerous and can’t go anywhere and—”
He grabbed my wrist. “Were you just about to kiss me, Emily Applewood?”
“I considered it.”
“Why the fuck did you stop?”