Page 59 of The King's Boy
The O'Donnells had been horrible at keeping records.
It took longer than I would have liked to reach the address Spencer had given me, but teleportation wasn't really a thing unless you were in the movies. By the time we pulled up in front of the tall brick building, I was about ready to get out and run.
New York City traffic was a nightmare.
"Malloy, you are with me. I want the rest of the men to surround the front and the back of the building."
"Yes, sir."
I climbed out and stared both ways down the sidewalk. Nothing seemed out of place, but what did I know. While I ran Little Jamaica, I didn't live there.
"Let's go."
Malloy hurried in front of me and pulled the door open. The apartment where Spencer was supposed to be hanging out was on the third floor, and I wouldn't take that rickety old elevator on a bet, which meant taking the stairs all the way up.
I was in pretty good shape, but even I was huffing a little but by the time we reached the third floor. I should probably look into a better cardio routine, and maybe stop drinking so much Irish whiskey.
I walked down the corridor to the apartment Spencer had indicated and then stood to one side while Malloy stood on the other. I nodded once to him and then knocked.
I was not expecting a busty brunette to open the door.
"Well, hello, handsome," she said in a seductive voice. "What can I do for you?"
She smiled as she looked me up and down, flashing her white teeth. "I might not even charge you."
"I'm looking for Spencer."
The woman's sultry smile fell from her lips. "Figures." She stepped back, holding the door open. "All the good ones are taken."
Malloy stepped into the apartment in front of me. I knew he was just doing his job, checking the place over before I came in, but in this one instance it drove me insane.
The second Malloy gave me a nod, I strode into the small apartment. The room was empty. For a moment I thought we had gotten the wrong apartment.
"I'm here, King." Spencer stepped out of a doorway to my left.
I grabbed him and hauled him into my arms, burying my face in his neck. For a moment, I just soaked in the feeling of relief I felt at holding the man in my arms once again.
"Are you okay?" I finally asked as I raised my head and leaned back so I could look him over. "Are you hurt anywhere?"
"Just my pride," Spencer snipped. "I can't believe that bitch got one over on me."
"She got one over on all of us, but if what you said about Terrence was right, she had inside help." I was going to have a very long conversation with Terrence about why he shouldn't have betrayed me, and then I was going to take his head.
"Did you bring that cash?"
I frowned. "Yes."
"How much do you have?"
"About two thousand dollars. Why?" If he thought I was going to allow him to buy sexual favors from this woman, he had another thing coming.
Spencer held his hand out.
I huffed as I dug into my suit jacket and pulled out my black leather billfold. I opened it up and grabbed the stack of hundred dollar bills I kept on me for emergencies.