Page 6 of The King's Boy
"Shoo." I made a motion with my hands to follow up my words. "Go away now."
I rolled my eyes when the woman turned and walked away, but not before sending me a death glare. Like I hadn't been glared at before. It was practically my bread and butter.
I tended to not care about social norms a whole lot. If someone pissed me off, I let them know about it and I didn't care where we were when I did.
I waited until she disappeared into the crowd before turning in King's arms and looking up until our eyes met. "So, tell me, your highness, who is trying to kill you?"
King snorted as he dropped his arms.
I was not a fan.
Not the snort part. I was in full support of that. It told me King thought this situation was just as ridiculous as I did. No, I was not a fan of the whole arm dropping thing. I liked being in his arms.
"It could be a number of people," King replied before lifting an eyebrow as he stared at me with an intense gaze. "Even you."
Nothing on God's green earth could have kept the smirk off my face as I trailed a red tipped fingernail down the front of King's shirt to the edge of his belt. "There are worse ways to go than La petite mort."
King let out a little snicker as he shook his head. "You are really something, Spencer Murray."
Now, he finally got it.
Chapter Three
~ King ~
I had no idea what I was going to do with Spencer. I had a few ideas, but none of them would be appropriate under the circumstances. Hell, at the moment I couldn't even say they wouldn't be lethal.
I had yet to figure Spencer out and that bothered me. One of the reasons I was so good at what I did was because I was an expert at reading people. I could always tell if they had bad intentions, even if they hid them from everyone else.
For some reason, I couldn't read Spencer.
Oh, I had no problem seeing that he was flirting with me, even if I had been confused by it in the beginning. Now that I was truly looking, it was as clear as day. The man on the moon could probably see it.
I just didn't understand why.
I had explained to Spencer who and what I was. If he had an ounce of sense in that cute little brain of his, the knowledge of who I was should have sent him running for the hills. Instead, it seemed to intrigue him even more.
I'd never experienced this type of situation before. Most people ran when they met me or at least gave me a wide berth. Spencer, on the other hand, seemed to have no concept of personal bubble space. He also didn't have a mouth filter. He seemed to say what ever came to his head.
I might have enjoyed that just a little bit.
Most people were so careful around me, in what they did and what they said. Spencer wasn't. He treated me as if I was just some everyday average guy, not a mafia king. That wasn't exactly something that happened to me a lot, if ever. I wasn't sure how to react, or even if I should.
Then there was the whole flirting thing. I couldn't tell if he was serious or just trying to reel me into his trap. While I had been flirted with before—many times—no one had ever been this blatant about it. There was no denying what Spencer wanted.
I kind of wanted it, too.
"What is he doing here?"
I stifled my groan when I heard Malloy's voice behind me.
If he had stayed away five more minutes, I could have questioned Spencer and tried to figure out if he was serious or if he was planted by my enemies to get in my good graces with the hopes that I would let down my guard so he could kill me.
It was a very real possibility.
"Do you mind?" Spencer snapped as he glared at the man behind me. "I'm trying to get laid here."