Page 1 of The Jefe's Boy
Chapter One
~ Alejandro ~
"Don Roberto wants to see you."
That was just what I needed to add to an otherwise shitty day. I hadn't woken up on the wrong side of the bed because I hadn't been to bed yet. I had been assigned guard duty for the last twenty-four hours because I had gotten into an argument with an asshole.
I should have just walked away.
My eyes were bloodshot and crusty from lack of sleep.
This was what came from pissing off the man in charge. I was given no slack even if he was my grandfather. If anything, our family connection only added to my misery.
My grandfather hated me. It had been that way for at least the last decade. Sure, he had not been thrilled that I was born considering my father had slept with my mother without marrying her. He couldn't. He had been married to someone else at the time.
They had still made me.
It wasn't until I attended the university in the United States that my grandfather learned I was also gay, and then he had made no bones about the fact that he loathed my very existence.
I wasn't a fan of him either.
If it wasn't for the fact that he would kill me if I decided to leave the family business, I would have left long ago. Some days, I wondered if death wasn't the better option.
My feet felt as if they were made of lead as I made my way to my grandfather's study. I had only been in there a few times during my lifetime, but it was still the last place I wanted to go.
When I reached the large double oak doors, I nodded to the two guards manning each side of the doorway. "Don Roberto called for me."
One of the guards knocked on the door and then opened it, walking inside. I heard him announce my arrival, but I didn't hear the reply.
One of the things that had always disturbed me about my grandfather was the fact that he only spoke in low tones. He never yelled. Some would think that was a good thing, but it wasn't. The quieter he was, the more pissed off he was.
I couldn't hear his reply beyond a murmur, so I didn't think he was happy right now. That didn't bode well for me.
When the guard came back to the door and gestured for me to enter the study, I squared my shoulders and stepped inside. I gave a quick bow of respect—I wasn't stupid—to my grandfather before I stated, "You wanted to see me, sir?"
It wasn't a question even if I had phrased it that way.
"Have a seat, Alejandro."
Oh, damn.
I guess this wasn't going to be a quick visit.
I walked over to one of the two chairs in front of my grandfather's massive wooden desk and sat down. I carefully folded my hands in my lap, keeping them well away from the gun I had holstered inside my suit jacket.
And then I waited to find out why I was here.
"I'm sending you to the United States."
My mouth started to drop open before I could stop it. "The United States, sir?" When I was ordered home over a decade ago, I had been told I could never leave Colombia again. I would certainly never see the United States again.
What changed?
"May I ask why?"
"You are getting married," my grandfather stated simply as if he didn't understand that he had just ripped the rug out from underneath my feet, but the smirk on his face said differently. He knew exactly what he was saying.