Page 13 of The Jefe's Boy
"He sweetened the deal to get me to agree to marry Delancy by offering me up Brooklyn. But what if he never intended for me to have it long term? What if he is just sending Martinez on vacation while he gets me out of the way?"
Hugo grimaced. "It feels like your grandfather really thought this out."
"Yes and no."
Hugo lifted an eyebrow as if to encourage me to continue.
"He probably did think this out, but he forgot one thing."
"And what was that?" Hugo asked.
"He forgot the lengths I would go to get away from him."
My desire to escape out from under my grandfather's thumb was greater than his desire to rid himself of me.
If the man had been smart, he would have just let me go instead of coming up with this elaborate plan, because I did not intend to fail. I would fight tooth and nail for the life I wanted, even if it meant thwarting my grandfather and marrying a man I had never met.
I started walking when the elevator doors slide open. "Come on, there's a beer and burger waiting for us."
And hopefully the men that would help me with my escape. My grandfather might think that he was in control, but he was wrong. This was my opportunity to prove to him that he had fucked up when he dismissed me simply because I was gay, and I wasn't going to let it go to waste.
"Expect a visit from Dante during this whole mess."
Hugo stumbled to a stop. "Why? Why would that asshole come here?"
I smirked as I turned to look at him. "For one, I expect grandfather to send him here to piss me off, but also to check up on me. I also wouldn't be surprised if he comes here to try and fuck up any progress I might make in claiming Brooklyn as mine."
I might have demanded complete autonomy, but I truly doubted I would get it. If I started making headway here, my grandfather would have to put a stop to it. Considering he thought Dante could do no wrong, I wouldn't put it past him to send the idiot here to mess with me.
"Okay," Hugo said slowly, "and two?"
"Dante will be green with envy once he learns I've been given Brooklyn. As far as he is concerned, I'm only good for guard duty and taking out the trash. He has always believed he was better than me and everyone in the family backed that idea, cementing it in his head. Me getting married to someone famous like Delancy and getting control of my own territory will eat him alive."
Hugo's chuckle was pure evil. "Serves that bastard right, especially if we figure out how you can hold onto Brooklyn."
"We will." My jaw firmed for just a moment as a new resolve entered me. "I refuse to go back now that I've left and that means either I hold onto Brooklyn or I die, and I have no plans to die any time soon."
I had no idea how I was going to do it, but I would. I just needed a little luck and a whole lot of help, and help was waiting for me at the ballpark.
I slapped Hugo on the back as I let a slow easy grin spread across my lips. "Come on, lunch is on me."
This might have been the first thing I truly looked forward to in years.
Chapter Five
~ Alejandro ~
The bar was just as I remembered it. Lights low enough to give you a sense of privacy, but not so low that you couldn't see where you were walking.
A large wooden bar top ran all along one side of the room, shelves of liquor hanging on the wall behind it. There were several table and chair sets in the middle of the room, but my destination was the large booth at the back of the bar, and the men that sat there.
"Jakue D'Amato, Miles Cranston, Joseph Navarro, and Lucas Kincaid." I chuckled as I shook my head. "Jesus, it's been ten years and I swear none of you have aged a day."
"It's all a facade," Jake said as he stood to give me a quick clench. "We're far older and wiser now."
"Kyue is convinced we're just older and dumber," Lucas said as he did the same.
"Kyue?" I asked.