Page 16 of The Jefe's Boy
I was lost.
"Look, Borelli is into guns and ammunition. Petrov deals in casinos and other illegal items. I think King does liquor. All of them ship stuff in and out of New York and the United States. If you can get a handle on the shipping, you'd be able to work something out with all of them. That would get you away from drugs and prostitution."
I wouldn't even know how to start.
"I won't ship drugs or people." That was a hard line. There were a lot of things you could get away with shipping, but those would get you behind bars so fast your head would spin.
Joe shook his head. "No, no, I get that, and it's a good idea to have that boundary, but there are a lot of other things you could ship. You have the docks and the warehouses. You just have to figure out the shipping lines."
And that would be the problem.
"I'll need to make some phone calls and do a little research into what we have in Brooklyn, but it is an idea to look into."
"Not all of it has to be illegal either," Miles pointed out. "I'm sure you could get into some of the more legitimate side of things if you talk to Jake. He ships his products all over the world."
"That might solve some of your issues with Delancy, too," Joe added. "If you have a legitimate shipping company with legitimate contracts, you could just tell everyone you are in shipping. If they looked into it, that's what they would find. Just keep the other stuff under wraps."
That might actually work... Assuming I could figure out the whole shipping thing.
I wasn't holding my breath.
"Okay, we have a plan," Jake said as he joined us and slid back into the booth. "Borelli and Petrov are going to meet us at Petrov's club tonight. In the interest of keeping peace between you all, they are willing to sit down and hammer out a plan to help you keep Brooklyn."
"Why would they do that?" I asked.
"They don't like Martinez. Apparently, he doesn't play nice with others." Jake's lips twisted into a deep grimace. "From what Borelli said, Martinez is constantly trying to move into his territory, and he is not pleased."
I wouldn't be either.
"Vinnie suggested we bring our husbands. He's going to reserve the VIP suite for us. They can hang out there and dance while we talk."
"If Petrov is bringing Eiji, we might want to call in Syros and Parker," Lucas suggested. "I know Eiji doesn't like crowds much, so he'll feel more comfortable if his friends are there."
I glance at the four men in confusion. "So, we're going to a club?"
Jake smirked. "The Illumination Club is more than a club. It's an experience."
I wasn't sure I wanted to know.
Chapter Six
~ Delancy ~
I chewed on the tip of my thumbnail as I nervously paced back and forth across my living room floor. When my phone call went straight to voicemail, I groaned and hung up before dialing again.
I had been trying to make this phone call since I got home from visiting my grandfather last night. I'd left more than one message, but so far, I had yet to receive a call back.
This was bad, very, very bad.
If I didn't get a hold of Jazz or Osaka before the weekend, everything we planned would go down the tubes. They needed to know that things had changed. I might be able to pull off our immediate plans, but beyond that was up in the air.
I didn't want to give up what I did. It was very important to me. I just wasn't sure how it would mesh with the new direction my life was about to take.
I knew nothing about the man I was set to marry. I had no idea what his personality was like, what he did for a living, if he was attractive, or even where he came from.
I had a name. A first name. Alejandro. That was it. I didn't even have a last name, so I couldn't Google him.