Page 18 of The Jefe's Boy
Time to put on a show.
"Hello, hello, hello," I called out as I slid onto the cushioned bench seat. "I was hoping to see you all tonight."
"Oh yeah?" asked the guy I was sitting next to. I didn't know him that well. I didn't know any of them that well, but they were always up for a party.
I groaned as I let my head fall back. "I got chewed out by my grandfather. I need something to decompress."
There were a few chuckles and an all-around agreement that a night out at the club was apparently the answer to everything. I wasn't sure I agreed, but whatever. It would work for my purposes.
I listened to my friends talking with half an ear as I gazed out over the room. It wasn't packed yet, but I knew it would be soon. This was a rather popular club in the Bronx. People who wanted to see and be seen came here, which would explain why I was here.
I hated this place.
Not the club itself. I simply hated the fact that I wasn't really here to enjoy myself. I was here for one purpose only, and it wasn't to have a good time.
The Illumination Club was actually one of the nicer clubs in New York City. Dmitri Petrov ran a tight ship. For a club, his security was top notch. He wanted people to enjoy themselves, but he didn't allow dissention. You could drink, but if you got out of control, you were out on your ass.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do to get my picture taken, but that behavior was my last resort. Getting tossed out of the club was certain to get me in the news, maybe a little too much. I needed something to be noticed, but I was hoping to come back to this club at some point.
My gaze roamed up to the VIP lounge and froze. The intense eyes staring back at me threw me. I quickly looked the tall man over, trying to remember if I knew him.
He was definitely tall, muscular. He filled out his suit very, very well. I could tell that even from where I sat on the first floor. Dark brown hair and dark eyes, although I couldn't tell exactly what color they were from this distance. He even had a trimmed beard gracing his square cut jaw.
In a word, he was damn hot.
But why was he looking at me with such anger in his narrowed eyes? Had I offended him in some way? I couldn't say I remember him. Pretty sure I would remember if I had. So, what was his problem?
Why was this stranger so angry with me.
I didn't know and I really didn't care. I had bigger things on my plate right now. Something perverse and mischievous grabbed a hold of me before I could think better of it and I stuck my tongue out at him before looking away.
I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I needed to splash some water on my face before I splashed bourbon on my suit.
Once I reached the bathroom, I set my drink on the small shelf in the stall and then used the facilities before going out of the stall to splash some water on my face.
As I stared at myself in the mirror, I realized that I needed a better poker face. Anyone who knew me would know that I was not thrilled to be here tonight. I looked miserable.
Not much I could do about that right now.
I had just finished sprinkling a little bourbon on my suit when the door pushed open and that angry man walked in. He paused in the doorway and then stepped inside and let the door swing closed behind him.
I watched him as he walked over to check all the toilet stalls, making sure we were the only two people in the room. I had to watch him. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
I edged closer to the far wall when he turned toward me. I didn't feel a threat from him, but there was definitely something dangerous about him. It put me on edge and made me wary, but I was still intrigued, especially when he stood in front of me.
He didn't say anything, and that might have been more poignant than if he had shouted at me. I shuddered when he reached out and cupped the side of my face. And I do mean the side of my face, my entire face. His hands were huge.
This was a man used to getting what he wanted. It was in the predatory way he looked at me, almost as if he wanted to eat me.
I might let him.
I let out a startled yelp when he spun me around and pressed me into the wall. His hard body pressed into me from behind, his hands anchoring me in place.
Hot breath blew out against my ear and the side of my neck before he spoke. "You stink of liquor."
That was kind of the point.
"It's time for you to go home."