Page 23 of The Jefe's Boy
"We only know him as Hu," Dmitri replied. "He took over about five years ago after a big mix-up over there where the entire top-level brass was taken out. There's not much known about him other than the fact that no one crosses him."
Vinnie snorted. "No one is that stupid."
"I swear the man has eyes in the back of his head," Dmitri added. "There have been several assassination attempts by those who don't want him in power. None of them lived, not even the professional assassins."
Knowing that my territory bordered Staten Island, I grew a bit worried. "Is he someone that I need to be worried about?"
"You should always be worried, but as long as you stay out of his territory and leave him alone, he will leave you alone. Hell, the only time I have ever even seen the guy is at our annual meetings, and he never says anything while he is there."
That sounded kind of creepy.
"He runs a lot of casinos and gambling houses, so if you want to make nice with him, close down any on your area. That will force gamblers to go in his direction."
Vinnie actually had a good idea there. There weren't any formal casinos in my territory, and it would be easy enough to close down any gambling houses. If it would garner me some goodwill from another mob boss, that would be great.
"There is one more thing I would suggest," Vinnie said. "After you take over, you might want to think about making contact with Spain and sending your money directly to them. If you can get your grandfather completely out of Brooklyn and get Spain's approval, he would get sanctioned if he messed with you."
I hadn't considered that. "Do you think they would do that?"
Vinnie shrugged. "I can put in a good word with my grandfather. I know he talks to some of the older family heads there every now and then. He might be able to test the waters and see if they would be agreeable to that."
"Please do." It was only a dream to get my grandfather out of my life for good. "If I can deal directly with them instead of my grandfather, I would be thrilled."
"Why don't we meet again after Martinez leaves and see where we stand?" Jake suggested. "Say, two weeks from now?"
I nodded. "I'm supposed to get married in ten days. Martinez is supposed to leave right after that."
"Then we'll meet up here again in two weeks."
Sounded like a plan to me.
Chapter Eight
~ Delancy ~
I clenched my hands as I stared at myself in the mirror. I was so angry I could spit nails. I had been angry for days, ever since that ass hat at the club had ordered his men to escort me home and make sure I stayed there.
They had done exactly that.
I hadn't been able to set foot outside my condo in days. Well, I had, but I was followed everywhere I went. If I even stepped in the direction of a club or bar, I was picked up and escorted back to my apartment.
It was maddening.
The one time I had tried to call the police, my grandfather had actually stepped in, which made me think he had hired these guys to keep an eye on me until my wedding. They had taken my cell phone after that.
Wonder how he would feel if he knew one of his guards had made a pass at me.
Now here I sat, hours from the wedding ceremony and wishing I had snuck out the window before I was escorted to my grandfather's estate. There had been guards everywhere. There was no way I could escape this place.
I still thought about it though.
Dreamed really.
I didn't want to get married to some man I had never met. I didn't want to get married at all. I didn't even know this guy, what he was like, or even what he did for a living. I knew nothing about him. I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with this guy, and I didn't even know if he was attractive.
That felt wrong.
It also had the potential to make my married life very, very daunting. I had always hoped I would love the one I married. It didn't look like I was going to get my wish.