Page 25 of The Jefe's Boy
Yes, I fully intended to get married at some point in my life. I wanted that dream. Married to someone I loved and who loved me, a future with someone at my side, a family.
This was not that.
With no other option, I walked toward the door. I felt my grandfather's hand settle on my shoulder just as I reached it, so I glanced back at him.
"This is a good thing, Delancy."
I didn't see how it could be.
After my grandfather stepped past me out into the hallway, I did as well. I shut the door behind me and followed him down the corridor to the first floor.
Considering I had nothing to do with this wedding, I had no idea where it was being held. It wasn't like I had invited any of my friends to this shit show or had any planning in it.
I didn't even know if it was going to be a real wedding.
I was surprised when my grandfather stopped at the ballroom. It wasn't a room that was used all that often, maybe three or four times a year. I couldn't actually remember the last time I was in here. Maybe it was the New Year's Ball a few months ago?
"Do not bring shame to our family, Delancy."
My heart clenched at that statement from my grandfather. There was a part of me that hurt knowing he expected me to shame the family. Unfortunately, there was another part that knew he had reason to think I would. My antics of late hadn't been stellar.
If only I could tell him why I acted the way I did. I knew he would understand. Our family was based on helping our fellow man. It was a point of honor for us.
I just couldn't tell him.
I kept my lips pressed together in a firm line as I pushed open the doors and stepped into the ballroom. I almost stumbled when I saw the room full of people. I recognized many of them as family members and close friends of my grandfather. There were a few faces I didn't recognize.
The ballroom itself was beautifully decorated, but I expected nothing less from my grandfather. If there was an occasion, Delancy Matisse I would go all out and spare no expense.
I just didn't expect that occasion to be my wedding.
A long white carpet was laid on the floor between rows of chairs going from one end of the large room to a raised dais on the other side. Waves of white and gold gauzy material with white satin bows streamed from chair to chair going down the aisle as if giving me direction of where I should go.
White roses were just about everywhere, especially near the front of the room. Big bouquets of roses sat on either side of the aisle next to the dais.
There was even a lady with a cello sitting in the corner.
My eyes were drawn toward the dark-haired man standing at the other end of the white carpet. He was tall and well built, but that was about all I could see of him since he was facing the other way.
Was this my groom?
When the cellist started playing the wedding march, my grandfather grabbed my arm just above my elbow and started escorting me down the long white carpet.
The dark-haired man waiting for us didn't turn around. Hell, he didn't even acknowledge that the ceremony had started. He just stood there, his back perfectly straight.
Was he against this marriage as much as I was, and if so, why was he here? Could someone be forcing him like my grandfather was forcing me?
Would that make a difference if he was?
I really wished we'd had the chance to meet before this so we could both talk about this marriage. If he was against it as much as I would, maybe we could find some common ground for both of us to deal with this situation without getting married.
I swallowed tightly when I realized it was too late for that. I was now standing beside the man I was to marry. As the minister started up the ceremony, I peeked up at the man standing beside me and gasped.
This was the man I was supposed to marry?
Chapter Nine
~ Alejandro ~