Page 29 of The Jefe's Boy
"What are you doing here?" my father snapped.
"Shut up, you old goat," my mother shouted right back as she pushed past him. "This is my son's wedding. Where else would I be?"
Well, if I wanted Alejandro cancel the wedding, this would do it.
"Hello, Mother."
"Delancy, my son," my mother cried out as she threw herself into my arms. Only the arm wrapped around my back kept me from crashing to the floor. Genevieve Matisse was nothing if not dramatic.
"Is this your handsome husband?"
I winced. I knew from those words alone, not to mention the calculating glint in my mother's eyes, that she had just found something she new husband.
It wouldn't be the first time she had gone after someone that was supposed to be mine. She had stolen more than one of my boyfriends. I was pretty sure she used me as her dating pool.
"Alejandro Díaz, ma'am." Alejandro took the hand my mother held out and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
I grew sick to my stomach when she blushed and preened, batting her eyelashes. I almost wanted to stomp my foot and tell my mother off. I wouldn't. I had promised my grandfather. But I really, really wanted to.
Alejandro was supposed to be my husband, even if I didn't really want him to be. He was still married to me. Not that being married ever stopped my mother from taking what—and who—she wanted.
I still couldn't understand why my parents stayed married. They should have gotten divorced long ago. Neither of them were faithful to each other and it was clear to everyone that they hated each other.
I was pretty sure it had to do with money. It was always about money with my parents. Money, power, and prestige.
I never understood why they didn't understand that their constant bickering took all their prestige away. The power they seemed to think they had only came from their malicious deeds and manipulation. Their money came from my grandfather.
Kind of made me wonder why he never sanctioned them when he forced me to get married. It wasn't like I was sleeping with anyone who had a pulse or shopping my bank account dry.
My parents might not be in the news as much as I was, but their antics were more newsworthy. They had caused more scandals in my lifetime than the years I had been alive. They were experts at creating chaos.
I had learned from the best after all.
"Delancy never mentioned you," she said. Alejandro stiffened next to me when my mother tightened her grip on his hand and pressed it against her ample chest. "Tell me more about yourself."
Alejandro's chuckle sounded almost nervous. "Maybe another time, ma'am." He had to tug on his hand a couple of times to get free of my mother's clingy grasp. "Delancy and I were just about to go dance."
We were?
"Oh, I love to dance."
There was a barely veiled hint there, making me wonder if Alejandro would fall for my mother's unspoken question, her flirtation, or her thick batty eyelashes and pushed up silicone boobs that defied gravity.
More than one man had.
Genevieve Matisse had been well built at birth. My grandfather's money had made sure she stayed the beauty she had been at first breath. Men fell at her feet for a single one of her smiles. They wept tears of joy if she gave them her attention.
But her attention was never long lasting. Her interest was as fleeting as leaves in a tornado. The only reason her and my father were still married was due to the money and a very intricate pre-nuptial agreement.
Alejandro's arm slid around my back, pulling me closer to his side. "Maybe we can dance another time, Mrs. Matisse."
My eyes snapped to Alejandro and narrowed.
"I'm afraid it is a tradition in my home country for the groom to dance only with his spouse at their wedding." Alejandro smiled widely, but it didn't seem like a real smile. "I can't break with tradition."
I didn't believe a word of it.
"You see that, you crazy bitch," my father spat out rather loudly. "He doesn't want you, so stop trying to sleep with your son-in-law. He's at least twenty years younger than you, you wrinkled old hag."