Page 58 of The Jefe's Boy
Fear clutched at my heart when I counted at least seven police cars and two ambulances, making it ache. I pressed my hand to my chest. Delancy said Dante had been shot, so why were there two ambulances?
The moment the limousine came to a stop halfway down the block, I opened my door and jumped out. I didn't even bother closing the door before I darted toward the crowd standing in front of yellow police tape.
I grabbed the tape and started to duck down over it when a hand landed on my shoulder. I growled as I turned.
"Sir, you need to get back behind the tape."
Nothing and no one was going to keep me from getting to Delancy. "That's my house over there."
The officer stared at me for a moment before lifting the tape. I darted under it and ran toward the house, my eyes frantically scanning every face I passed.
"Delancy!" I shouted. "Delancy!"
My head snapped around when I heard my name. My heart thundered in my chest almost stealing my breath until I spotted an auburn head of hair.
"Delancy," I shouted again as I raced toward him. As soon as I was within reach, I grabbed him and yanked him into my arms. "Mierda, Delancy, I was so worried I wouldn't get here in time."
I grabbed his face between my hands and stared down into his pale sea foam green eyes, searching them intently. "You are okay? You are not hurt?"
Delancy smiled as he shook his head. "I'm not hurt."
I gently nudged the corner of his mouth where it was swelling and starting to turn purple. "What happened?"
"He hit me."
My eyes narrowed. "He hit you?"
Delancy shrugged.
I lowered my face and gently kissed the other side of his mouth. "I was so worried."
"I told you I had it handled."
I hugged Delancy again, pressing my mouth close to his ear. "There's more going on here than you know," I whispered. "I don't think this is over and we are in danger until it is."
Delancy stilled in my arms, so I knew he had heard what I said.
"A couple of friends of mine are on their way to help us," I continued. "One of them is a lawyer, a very good lawyer. I want you to stay by my side until they get here. Understand?"
I felt Delancy's head move against mine as he gave me the barest of nods. I squeezed extra hard to acknowledge that.
"Do you think we got our picture in the papers yet?"
Delancy chuckled as he leaned back to look up at me. "Cindy filmed the whole thing."
"My media contact."
Delancy jerked his head to the left. When I glanced in that direction, I saw a blonde woman standing there next to a guy with a TV camera on his shoulder. The camera was aimed in our direction.
I ignored it and wrapped an arm around Delancy's shoulder, keeping him tucked tightly to my side. "Where's Hugo?"
He should have been at Delancy's side.
"The police are questioning him right now."