Page 68 of The Jefe's Boy
I could hack into the Department of Defense if I wanted to, but I wasn't going to mention that. Not just yet. As close as they were to my husband, I am sure that they would find out eventually.
What shocked me was when Miles pulled out a business card and handed to me. "In case you ever need a lawyer."
I chuckled because that was funny. It was also nice of him to offer. It might also be of some use in my work. "I might not need a lawyer at the moment, but could I call you if I had a legal question?"
"Yes, of course."
I sent the man a smile and went back to what I was doing. Hacking into the police database took finesse. If I wasn't careful, I would be caught, and that wouldn't be good.
Luckily for me, I was very good at what I did. I also had the help of my two friends. It didn't take me long to get into the police database and change things so that Dante would be considered a dangerous prisoner and be held without bail. I even tossed in there that he needed to have a psychological evaluation. I knew that would give us an extra couple of days.
Now on to the cameras.
There were a lot directly in front of our house, but I was more concerned with the surrounding area. If someone was out there waiting for the shooter, I needed to know.
I didn't see anything out of place, but that didn't mean there wasn't something there. "Jake, can you look at this camera footage and tell me if you see anything out of place? I'm trying to make sure there aren't more shooters out there."
"Yeah, sure." Jake slid down onto the floor next to me and started looking at the laptop screen. I fed him through several different cameras and angles, from west to east and north to south.
Jake shook his head. "I'm not seeing anything."
"Okay, good."
That was a relief.
Hugo stepped in through the hidden doorway from the study. "Um, sir, you have a visitor."
"Me?" I asked. He was looking at me after all.
Hugo nodded.
"Who is it?"
"Your grandfather, sir. I've placed him in the formal salon and ordered coffee delivered."
"Thank you, Hugo." I set my computer down and stood up. "Is it safe to go out?"
"Yes, sir. The mansion has been secured and I have men posted at every exit. I also have someone cleaning up the study and men working on covering the windowpanes with ply board until we can get someone in to fix them."
"Where is my husband?"
"He is currently dealing with security measures, sir. He said he will join you as soon as he is free."
"Okay." I drew in a quick breath. "I can do this."
"Do you want one of us to go with you?" Jake asked.
Oh, I would like that, but... "No, it's okay. It's just my grandfather."
This was going to suck.
I left my laptop in the safe room and headed out, following Hugo to the living room. When I walked inside, Hugo stepped over to the wall next to the entrance and took a stance.
I lifted an eyebrow in query.
"Jefe's orders, sir."
That worked for me.