Page 70 of The Jefe's Boy
"Delancy knows how to do a lot of things, Mr. Matisse," Alejandro explained. "Maybe instead of always harping on him, you should ask him why he does the things he does."
A frown flickered across my grandfather's face. "What do you mean?"
"Tell him, Delancy. It's time," Alejandro said. "He needs to know."
Maybe it was.
"I work for an organization that helps people who can't use normal channels to get out of violent situations. I use my computer skills—"
"Which are amazing," Alejandro said.
I sent him a quick smile before continuing. "Me and a few of my friends use our computer skills to help them. We help them escape their abusers, get them new identities, and then we help gather they evidence they need to get the justice they deserve."
"Tell him the rest of it, querido. Tell him why you do what you do."
"No one can know about what I do. People's lives could be in danger if that happens. Acting the spoiled rich kid keeps people from thinking I am smart enough to even know how to operate a computer let alone use one to hack the system."
My grandfather's bushy white eyebrows rose swiftly. "That's why you keep getting your face in the papers?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Why?” he asked."There are a lot of things you could have done to keep your secret. Why that?"
"Well, considering how much you believe everything printed about me, do you think I could be a hacker?" I didn't wait for my grandfather to answer me before continuing. "Most of the stuff you see isn't even real. It's staged so that I can get my picture in the papers."
"Staged?” my grandfather asked doubtfully.
"Yes, staged. I have half the reporters in the city on speed dial. When I need to be seen, I tell them where I am going to be, give them the news angle, splash some alcohol on my clothes, and then go make a spectacle of myself. Almost all of it is for show."
I was a very good actor.
Chapter Twenty-One
~ Alejandro ~
I was glad Delancy was finally telling his grandfather everything, but I hated the fact that he felt he had to defend himself. What he did was very important. He was the knight in shining armor for those that couldn't fight for themselves.
I was very proud of him.
"Delancy is also helping me set up the cyber department in my security firm. With his ideas, we will be able to provide even more security for people in need. Cars, homes, computers, the works."
I could gush about him all day long.
"Speaking of which," Delancy said before going over to the hidden doorway in the bookshelf and pushing it open. He stepped inside for a moment. When he came out, he had his laptop in hand and Jake and Miles followed him out.
"Is it safe to come out yet?" Jake asked.
"For now," I replied. "Security has the entire estate surrounded and we've called in extra guards just to be on the safe side. We should be fine, but I can have you escorted out of here if you would feel safer."
"I can stay," Jake said, "but Miles needs to get back to Sam. He doesn't do well alone for long periods."
I remembered how Miles was back when we were at the university. I didn't know Sam personally, but what Jake said made sense considering Sam was married to the control freak of the century.
"Hugo, arrange a car for Miles. Take him wherever he wants to go."
"Home is in Manhattan, Alejandro," Jake pointed out. "You might want to call Vinnie."
"Are you talking about Vinnie Borelli?" Marcus asked.