Page 81 of The Jefe's Boy
~ Delancy ~
"Alejandro?" I cried out when his eyes fluttered closed and his hand went lax. "Alejandro!"
"He's alive," Marcus said as he pressed a cloth to the wound in Alejandro's chest, "but we need to get him to a doctor quickly. You, too."
"I'm fine," I insisted. "See to Alejandro."
"Sir," Hugo said, "do you still want me to call the police?"
I pressed my hand to my forehead as I glanced around the foray in dismay, my eyes touching on the dead body of Alejandro's grandfather, the blood dripping from me and him, and the men standing around staring at me as if needing direction.
I might not be a fully fledged mafia boss like Alejandro, but I knew the police were the last people we needed here. It would open a can of worms even I wouldn't be able to spin.
I also knew that we couldn't take me or Alejandro to a hospital. They were required by law to report any and all gunshot wounds.
"Hugo, I want you to send some men out to search the area for any of Diaz's men. I need to know if he was alone or not."
"More than likely not, sir."
"Then find them and lock them up somewhere. We can deal with them later."
Hugo spoke quickly into his communicator.
"I also want the house secured," I continued. "No one in and no one out without my permission."
"Of course, sir."
"Also, get me Vinnie Borelli on the phone."
"Borelli, sir?" Hugo sounded confused by my order.
"I know Vinnie." Sort of. "I need him to get me in contact with Angus King. King's husband is a doctor. I'm hoping he will agree to come here and treat Alejandro. In the meantime, get a couple of your men to get him upstairs to the bedroom and find me a first aid kit."
"Yes, sir."
I glanced up at him when I heard nothing. "Move!" I shouted. "Now!"
Hugo jumped and hurried from the room. A couple of his men came over and lifted Alejandro up, carrying him up the stairs to the second floor. I wanted to go with them, but I had to deal with this situation first.
I needed to insure no one else would hurt my husband.
"Sir, what would you like us to do with the body?" one of the guards asked.
I had a few ideas, but none of them were nice. I had to remember that at he was technically Alejandro's grandfather. "Put him on ice for now. Alejandro can decide what to do with him when he wakes up."
"I'll get someone to clean up the foray, sir," another guard said.
It was good that they were cooperating with me. I was surprised as shit that they were, but it was still good.
"There were workers in the study putting in windows. I know the study is soundproof, but make sure they didn't hear anything. Once the foray is dealt with and there are no signs of blood, get them out of here. They can come back another day. I don't want anyone here that doesn't need to be here."
"About your grandfather, sir?"
I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "Where is he?"
"I believe he is still in the guestroom."
"I'll go deal with him now." Not that I really wanted to. "Try and get Vinnie on the phone while I am gone."