Page 9 of The Jefe's Boy
Interfering old fuddy duddies. They should mind their own damn business. Why should what I do concern them? I didn't work for the company.
"You don't understand, Grandfather. All this is—" I snapped my lips closed when I realized what I was about to reveal.
"All of what?" my grandfather asked. "What don't I understand?"
I shook my head as I lowered it and stared down at my hands. I doubted my grandfather would say anything to anyone if I did share my secret with him, but I couldn't take that chance. It was a secret that, if it got out, could be dangerous.
I couldn't say anything.
"Fine, if you don't have anything more to say, then I will." My grandfather moved around his desk to sit on the very edge of it right in front of me. "I hope you know that I didn't want to have to force you into something like this, but I had no choice. I have let you run wild for way too long and now it is time for you to grow up. Getting married will help."
I doubted it.
"You have an appointment on Tuesday to get fitted for your tux. The wedding is two weeks from today here at the house. You know the consequences if you do not show up."
Unfortunately, I did.
"Can I meet my future husband at least?"
It would be nice to know who I was marrying.
"You'll meet him at the wedding."
I could not keep my eyes from widening at those shocking words. I seriously wasn't going to be able to meet my future husband until I married him? How was that fair?
"Do not disappoint me, Delancy."
The weight of my grandfather's words sat heavy on my shoulders. He had practically raised me from the time I was little. My parents had been too busy arguing with each other and spending their time with their latest flings to care for a growing kid.
It hadn't gotten any better as I grew older. They still argued anytime they were within fifty feet of each other. It was like their hobby or something.
I certainly wasn't.
And that was why I had my grandfather. He was the only one that ever seemed to really care about me, which was why I didn't understand why he was doing this.
I didn't want to disappoint him, but I didn't want to get married either. I didn't even do long term relationships. My dating history was pretty much nonexistent.
I was so close to sharing my secret with my grandfather. I knew he would understand. His sense of right and wrong were the same as mine, which made sense since he was the one that taught them to me.
The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I just couldn't. Lives were at stake here. If one word got out to the wrong individuals, innocent people would be in jeopardy.
Maybe this was the only way.
Just because I was married didn't mean I couldn't carry on my work. In fact, it might actually be helpful. If the media thought there were issues between me and my new husband, they would focus on that and not on my secret life.
This just might work.
"Okay, Grandfather," I said slowly. "If this is what you really want, I'll do it."
I grabbed a pen off his desk and signed at the bottom of the prenuptial agreement before handing it back to him. I didn't bother reading it. I didn't need to. It wasn't like I had any real money attached to my name. It was all family money. My grandfather would have made sure that the family was protected.
"So, what happens now?"
"Like I said, you have an appointment on Tuesday with the tailor to get your tux fitted and then we will have the ceremony here at the house in two weeks."
"And then what?" I asked. "Is this going to be a media circus, or will there be an announcement or what?"
"A photographer will be here to take pictures. I will pick one to go together with an announcement of your marriage and release it to a few chosen news outlets. I am sure the others will catch on fast enough."