Page 26 of Bound to His Oath
"I'll put in a call to Vito and offer him my services if he needs them." This was a good chance to forge some peace between our two organizations.
"Just get Nico back to the villa," Vinnie said. "We don't know who did this or if they plan on going after any of the other families. Better to be safe than sorry. I've already doubled the security here and at my grandfather's place."
I let out a weak chuckle. "Yeah, well, I'd already done that before you called. Something felt off since we landed. I'm not taking any chances with Nico's life."
"You always were on top of things, Luca."
"I try to be." Sometimes it was a matter of life or death, or in this case, Nico's life. "Look, I need to go. I'll call you if there are any problems."
"Why don't you give me a call tomorrow and we can talk?" Vinnie suggested. "I got the marriage license you faxed me. We have to decide what to do now."
"Yeah, I'll do that."
I had a wedding night to enjoy first.
"Call me around noon," Vinnie said. "That should give you enough to get some rest."
I doubted there would be a lot of resting. I'd been fantasizing about Nico for ten long and lonely years.
"I will."
I hung up with Vinnie and climbed into the vehicle next to Nico. I made sure we were both buckled safely because we were going to hit some serious high rates of speed as soon as everyone was ready to go.
This was not the homecoming I had expected to have. I had just wanted to take Nico home, introduce him to my grandparents, and then take him to bed.
Didn't look like that was going to happen now.
As soon as we got home, I'd need to meet with my grandfather. I'm sure he already knew what had happened to the D'Angelo family, but we still needed to talk about the situation, especially increasing our security measures.
When Franco climbed into the front of the car, he twisted in his seat so he could look back at me. "Two units of guards are on their way toward us right now and security has been doubled at the house. Your grandfather would like to talk to you when you arrive home."
Yep, nailed that one.
"Let's go."
We were only thirty minutes from home, but that was a lot of distance to cover before the extra guards reached us. Under the circumstances, my concern could be understood by just about anyone.
When Nico scooted closer to me, I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and held him close. I knew he was worried, but there was only so much I was willing to tell him since I really didn't want him involved in this world.
"I've increased security because there was a problem with one of the other families here in Italy," I told him. "Someone killed members of the D'Angelo family, who are located in Genoa. That's over six hundred and fifty miles away, so don't worry about this. It's just a precautionary measure until I have more information on what happened."
"I guess your life can be pretty dangerous," Nico said.
Nico had asked that question before, but I guess he needed reassurance that he'd be safe. Considering the hell he had grown up in, I had no problem doing that.
"I'm not going to lie to you and say that it isn't, but it's probably less precarious than you think. The normal day to day living is pretty uneventful. It's just when situations like this happen that it seems so dangerous."
"But that's why we have so many guards?" Nico asked. "You even called in more."
I nodded. "Yes, that is why we have so many guards. We'll always have guards following us around in some manner. Just sometimes, we have a little more than usual."
"But they won't touch me, right?"
I clenched my jaw as my anger from before ignited. I swear, I was going to find that Steve guy and skin him alive. "No, Nico, unless they are moving you out of harm's way, they will not touch you. I'll kill anyone that does."
Nico's eyes rounded. "I don't want you to kill them. I just don't want them touching me."
Yeah, Steve was dead.