Page 29 of Bound to His Oath
I smirked. "Do I at least get to wear a blindfold?"
Luca rolled his eyes as he hauled me into his arms. "You scared me there for a moment, Nico."
"You deserved it."
Luca growled as he lifted me up and placed me against the wall, trapping me there with his bigger body. I don't know if he was trying to intimidate me or scare me or what, but all it did was turn me on.
"You want to tangle with me, little boy?" he grumbled in my ear before biting at the tender skin of my neck.
I shuddered with want and then wrapped my legs around his waist. "Oh yeah."
Luca's eyebrows were raised when he lifted his head. "You're not afraid of me at all, are you?"
My eyebrows snapped together. "Why would I be afraid of you?"
Luca would never lift a single finger to hurt me. That knowledge was ingrained in my soul.
Still holding me pinned to the wall with his body, Luca cupped my face with his hands. "Do you have any idea how much I love you?"
"Hopefully as much as I love you."
Nothing could have contained my groan as Luca claimed my lips. I pushed into the kiss, wanting more. Our little interludes on the plane hadn't been able to make up for these last ten years of not having him.
I could have happily gone on kissing him until I used up all the oxygen in my lungs if it hadn't been for a voice clearing next to us.
I froze for a moment and then slowly turned. I winced when I saw a man I remember quite well standing there.
I let my legs slid down Luca's hips and then stood. I could feel the heat in my face as I flamed with embarrassment and I could feel Luca's body shake against mine as he stifled his laughter.
I slammed my elbow into Luca's stomach. Luca let out a small grunt and rubbed his stomach, but I could tell he was still filled with amusement.
"Nico, this is my nonno, Alessio Sabatino," Luca said. "Nonno, this is my Nico."
"We've met," the older man said.
I couldn't tell if he was happy about that or not.
I gave Luca's grandfather a polite bow. "Sir."
"It's good to see you finally, Nicolas," Alessio stated before shooting his grandson a hard glare. "I was beginning to think it would never happen."
My eyebrows lifted in surprise, or maybe it was shock. "You were expecting me?"
As soon as Alessio's gaze snapped to me, I wished I'd kept my mouth shut.
"We always knew Luca was going to be bringing you home, Nicolas. It was just a matter of when." The older man sighed heavily. "He should have brought you home the moment he got out of prison. I doubt I'll ever understand why he waited so long."
"Nonno, I explained this to you," Luca said. "I had to wait until I was powerful enough to fight his parents."
Alessio snorted before turning and walking down the hallway.
I turned wide eyes toward Luca. "Um..."
"Come on," Luca said. "Let's go meet my grandmother."
I wasn't sure I wanted to.
Alessio stepped out of a doorway at the other end of the hallway. "Luca, we need to talk."