Page 3 of Bound to His Oath
I grunted as I was lifted up over the guy's shoulder and carried into my bedroom. I was tossed onto the bed as if I was a bag of potatoes. In the next ten minutes, I suffered more unwanted touches as I was dressed from head to toe for whatever my mother had planned for me.
By the time my mother opened the door and walked in, I was fully dressed, but I was also on the verge of spewing. My stomach was knotted so much, the pain was indescribable. The tears I had shed before were nothing compared to the tears streaming down my face now.
I truly wanted to die.
Chapter Two
~ Nico ~
I stared out the window of my father's limousine, not saying a word to anyone. There really was no one here that I wanted to talk to. They had nothing I wanted to hear.
My parents' opinion had been made very clear to me. They cared nothing for me, only for what they could get from me. I was a bargaining chip to them. A commodity to be used to pay for their cushy lifestyle.
That was probably why they had me in the first place. It wasn't like they had been any kind of parents to me since the day I was born. Even before I had come out as gay they had hated me.
I still didn't understand why they had me if they hated my very existence, so I could only assume it was so they had something to bargain with when they wanted something.
And, apparently, they had bargained me to one Genevieve Thomas, my soon to be spouse. I had literally met the woman like two times in my entire life. I knew nothing about her, and yet, I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with her.
I hoped my parents at least got a good deal from selling me, and I hoped they choked on it, every last cent.
I jumped when my father shouted and turned to look at him.
"Pay attention, your mother is speaking to you."
Again, she didn't have anything to say that I wanted to hear. I sighed as I glanced at her.
"When we arrive," my mother started, "you will greet Genevieve and her father. You will be polite and respectful. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Mother."
I knew she expected a verbal response. I couldn't well tell her to go fuck herself, not when we were all sitting in the back of the limousine. There wasn't enough room there for the fight that would ensue when she attacked me.
Her eyes narrowed. "If you don't want another one of those shots, you'll behave yourself."
I knew she meant it.
The shot of drugs she had given me had made my veins boil and I had a total loss of function. The one she had given me to counteract the paralyzing drug was just as bad.
I never wanted to feel either again.
I gave a swift nod and then waited to see if she had anything else to say. When she turned her attention to my father and started talking to him, I tuned them both out and glanced back out the window.
I wonder if I would die if I opened the door and jumped?
Knowing my luck, I wouldn't die like I wanted to. I'd probably just break something and my parents would still force me to attend whatever shit-show we were headed for, injury or no injury.
It wasn't like they cared for me or anything.
When we pulled up in front of a massive white stone mansion, I was in no way surprised. If my parents were going to sell me, they were going to get their money's worth.
Made me wonder how much they were getting for me.
I knew there was a business merger in there somewhere, even if I didn't know the details. My father's company hadn't been doing so well the last few months.
I suspected it was due to the fact that my father felt only those at the top were allowed to have opinions or thoughts or their own. Eventually, people didn't want to be around him or do business with his company.