Page 31 of Bound to His Oath
"He's obsessed with you, and I'd worry about it if I didn't know you were just as obsessed with him."
I winced. "Yeah, well..."
It wasn't like I could deny that.
"In the last ten minutes, I have seem more happiness and warmth in Luca than I have in the last ten years. You bring that to him, Nicolas. You are his light. So, yes, Nicolas, you are very welcome here."
Tears flooded my eyes, both from Alessio's words and from my fear that he might not mean them. "How can you welcome me after what I did to him?"
Alessio frowned. "And what did you do to him, Nicolas?"
"I was responsible for Luca going to prison."
"Your parents were responsible for Luca going to prison, not you." The man's frowned deepened and he stared at me with hawk-like eyes before reaching over to grab my hand. "Surely you know that, Nicolas. You never did anything but love my grandson. You would never harm him. Everyone here knows that. If anything, you have been a blessing to him."
Nothing could have prevented the tears in my eyes from trickling down my cheeks. I couldn't believe after everything that had happened, he was accepting me so easily.
I had to wonder if I deserved it.
I jumped when Alessio shouted.
The door instantly opened and Luca hurried in. He took one look at me before rushing over and going to his knees before me, grabbing my hands.
"Why are you crying, cuore mio?"
I just shook my head.
Luca picked me up, turned around, sat in the chair, and then settled me on his lap. I buried my face in his neck and let my tears silently fall.
"What happened," Luca growled, anger infusing his tone.
"Nothing happened, Luca," Alessio stated. "Nicolas is just a little overcome at the moment. He's fine."
I didn't lift my head, but I did nod so that Luca would know that his grandfather was speaking the truth.
Luca rubbed his hand up and down my back. "Are you okay, cuore mio?"
I nodded again.
"Here, wipe your tears, Nicolas, before Luca starts world war three." A moment later, a white handkerchief appeared in front of my face.
I chuckled as I took the handkerchief and wiped at my tears.
Once I was all done, Luca grabbed my chin and tilted my face up. "All better now?"
I nodded.
"Can you tell me what upset you so much?" Luca asked.
I smiled as I glanced at his grandfather. "It's a secret."
"What?" Luca exclaimed. "You're keeping secrets from me?"
I tilted my head back and grinned up at Luca. "Yep."
Alessio chuckled as he patted my knee. "You'll do, boy, you'll do."