Page 37 of Bound to His Oath
"Kill two birds with one stone type of thing?" Vinnie asked.
"In a way, yes, but more that I think there should be a witness to Nicolas telling his parents he is married. It would be even better if he told them who he is married to."
"You want me to tell his parents that I am the head of a mafia family in front of a cop?" I asked. "Have you lost your mind?"
My grandfather chuckled. "No, but you could tell him that you are a businessman. Go all out, though. Take Nicolas shopping for a tailored suit, arrive in a limo, and bring your bodyguards, the works. Let them know that their money doesn't scare you anymore."
I wasn't sure how going shopping and arriving in a limo was going to prove that they didn't scare me anymore.
"Their money never scared me," I insisted. "It was just a pain because they used it to keep us apart."
"So, prove to them that you have more money."
I heard a chuckle through the phone. Glaring at it would do me no good because Vinnie wouldn't see it. My grandfather, on the other hand... "I'm not going to put Nico in that kind of danger. They'll just try and separate us again."
"I might be able to help you with that," Vinnie said. "And wouldn't it be a hoot if they did try something and we had to call the police on them this time?"
That would bring me a lot of a satisfaction, but it still wasn't safe.
"How can you help, Vinnie?" I asked.
"I have a friend that created a tracker that is inserted under the skin. It has a radius of five hundred miles and it reads vitals if you get kidnapped. Nicky has one."
"How much does something like that cost?" my grandfather asked.
"Usually, a favor to be named later, but don't worry about that too much. Jake is an upstanding guy. When he tangled with my grandfather, he kept his word, even when it probably would have benefited him if he hadn't."
"He tangled with Carlos?" my grandfather asked, his tone pure astonishment. I understood that. Not many people had the balls to tangle with the Carlos Borelli. They usually didn't survive it.
Vinnie gave us a quick rundown of what had happened between this Jake guy and his grandfather. By the time he was done, I was impressed and a little less wary.
"I'm still not convinced taking Nico back to the states is a good idea," I stated. The thought of taking him back to that hell enraged me. My sweet baby didn't deserve that type of pain.
"Why don't I call the detective on the case and see if he'd agree to a video call?" Vinnie asked. "Maybe taking him back to the states won't even be a problem."
"Yeah, do that," I said. I was a lot more in favor of a video call than I was in taking Nico back to confront his parents.
"I'll call him real quick and see what he says and then call you back."
"I'll be waiting," I said before hanging up. I picked my cell phone up and idly turned it over in my hands a couple of times. I drew in a deep breath through my nose and then let it out slowly through my mouth.
It didn't help.
I glanced at my grandfather.
"I know you don't want to put Nicolas in danger, but you need to think about this without emotion. Think with your head. Even if the police clear everything up, do you honestly think his parents are just going to let this go?"
"No," I admitted honestly, "but that's why I don't want to take him back there. He's their cash cow and they won't give him up until they get what they want out of him."
"You were offering them a hundred thousand dollars to get them to agree to marry Gena, right?"
I nodded, wondering where he was going with this.
"Then why not give it to them?"
"If I thought they would drop this if I gave them the money, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Hell, I'd give them a million dollars, but it won't stop there. If they know that I have money, they will keep coming back for more, making Nico's life hell."