Page 49 of Bound to His Oath
"Yeah," Vinnie replied. "I'll get in contact with him and get back to you about the time."
"I'd appreciate it," Luca replied.
"I'll see about canceling this contract and speaking with Díaz and Petrov about cancelling any contracts they might have with him," King said. "I'm sure they will agree, especially when we tell them what Nico's parents did to him."
"And Luca," Nico said. "What they did to him is far worse than what they did to me."
"What they did to me is not any worse than what they did to you, Nico," Luca said. "It was just a different kind of abuse."
I wasn't sure I agreed with that, but I wasn't going to argue about it right now. "Do you really think you can take down my parents?"
I wasn't so sure.
"We've taken down worse," King stated.
Vinnie snorted. "True."
"Okay, my husband is calling me so I need to go," King said. "I'll give you a call when I get everything done on my end."
"Thank you, King," Luca said.
"Yes, thank you, Mr. King," I added.
"Just King, Nico." King chuckled. "My queen would smack me upside the head if I made you call me mister."
Uh... I leaned closer to Luca to whisper in his ear, "I thought he was married to a man."
"He is, Nico."
"But he said..."
Luca chuckled. "You'd understand if you'd ever met Spencer. He's very...colorful."
Uh huh.
King hung up and we were left with just Vinnie.
"I need to get going, too. Nicky has plans with his friends and I've been ordered to make myself scarce."
Nicky had ordered his husband to make himself scarce? A mafia boss? Did things like that actually happen?
"I'll call you if I get any news," Vinnie said.
"I'll do the same," Luca stated.
Once Vinnie hung up and it was just me and Luca, he set his phone aside and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Did you eat?"
I nodded and then remembered the leftovers. "I wasn't able to eat all of it so I put the leftovers in the fridge. I hope that was okay."
"Of course it was, Nico. But did you get enough to eat?"
I nodded again. "Your grandmother even gave me some cookies."
"Oh, yeah?" Luca started to smile. "Was it the really good ones with the extra chocolate chunks?"
"It was."
"Did you save me any?"