Page 36 of Forever Mine
I need to find a new job. I need to move out of state. Out of the country.
I’ve never been a prude. I wasn’t a virgin when I left my family in Texas. Far from it. If only my father knew the trouble I got into with the other mafia kids, he’d probably have killed a lot more people. I’m sure that nasty Joseph Angelino wouldn’t have wanted me if he knew I wasn’t a virgin. Maybe I should have told my parents. Perhaps it would have changed things.
No. I’m glad I got out of there. Life has been a lovely little shitshow from time to time, but I have so many things I’m thankful for once Nana and I escaped fromLa Famiglia.
But right now, in this moment,damn. I’ve never felt like more of a prude. Knowing Gabriel watched me touch myself and saw me come? Dying of embarrassment here.
I whip out my phone in the elevator and pull up the rideshare app. I’m getting the hell out of this hotel for an hour. I need to put distance between us. I can’t think when I know he’s near me.
Oh, thank fuck. There’s a car one minute away. I find the nearest McDonald’s and request the ride. As soon as I’m in the car, I dial Emily.
“Uh oh,” she answers.
“Em, he saw me, and he knew what was going on, and I’m so embarrassed. Can I live with you now?” I blubber.
“I think I need a little more information, Mon.”
“Fuck,” I whisper. “Let me get to the Mcdonald’s, and then I’ll tell you everything.” Even in this supreme mortifying state, I don’t want to subject the poor Uber driver to this ridiculous story. He drops me off, and I sit on the curb outside the Mcdonald’s. “So, Gabriel may have left the door open while he showered, and he jacked himself off, and I was so turned on that I touched myself, and we both came at the same time. But it turns out he knew I was watching, and he saw me come, and now I can’t go back there, and I need to quit my job and move to Mars or something.”
Dead silence on the phone.
“Wait. What?”
“Oh, I really don’t want to repeat all of that.”
Emily begins cackling. Laughing so hard she can’t breathe.
“You did not!” she shouts. “Monica, oh my God! Oh, only you. For the love, girlie. You are such a hot mess.”
I hear murmuring in the background.
“Don’t you dare tell Nathan about this!” I plead.
“It’s Nate and Liam.”
“Fucking hell. Don’t tell them. Please. Do me a solid, Em. I’m humiliated enough.”
“Fine,” she sighs. “You owe me. This is too good of a story to not share.”
“I’ll bring you queso when I get back.”
“You know me too well, my friend. Deal.” We chat for a few minutes without discussing my humiliation further. I feel better after just unloading the information on Em. She’s my bestie for a reason. We end the call with us both laughing. Queso saves the day. Again.
My phone dings with a text, and I see it’s from Gabriel.
Gabriel: You aren’t here.
Me: Oh no! I’m not?
Gabriel: Funny. Really taking avoiding me to a new level,querida.
Oh shit. Seeing his nickname for me in text form gives me butterflies.
Me: Had a hankering for a specific breakfast and called an Uber. I’ll be back later.
Gabriel: We’re not done talking.
Me: About that? Yes, we are done talking. In fact, I might never talk to you again.