Page 75 of Forever Mine
Hmm. I quickly google how to say ‘I love you’ in Portuguese, and it’ste amo. So I at least know he hasn’t said that. I’d remember if he said that. And somehow, I’m slightly disappointed he hasn’t said it yet. Maybe he’s waiting for me to say it first. Do I love him? Am I in love with him? I don’t think I’m ready to say those words yet. But I think it could be coming. For the first time, I’m in a good relationship with someone I can see forever with. I wish Nana was still alive. She’d absolutely love Gabriel.
Gabriel and I establish a rhythm really easily. Typically, I wake up with his face between my legs. Absolutely not complaining, as an orgasm is the perfect way to wake up. Since I’m the poster child for hating mornings, he’s found I’m much nicer when sexually satisfied. Shower sex is next, and I’m not complaining about that, either. The morning light reflecting off the mirror makes Gabriel’s eyes gleam as he stares into my eyes. That’s something I definitely wasn’t prepared for. Gabriel maintains eye contact from the first thrust to the last. Power, lust, and passion personified. Should my eyes close even momentarily, he will demand I open them immediately. He won’t even continue until I do. “Eyes on me while I’m fucking you,querida.”
When we’ve both finished, he pulls out and then watches his cum leak out of me. The feral expression on his face never ceases to amaze me. He obviously likes marking me. Really making me his.
While I wash my hair, Gabriel gets dressed and makes us coffee. I’m not a huge coffee drinker, especially none of that weird shit Liv drinks, but I need a cup in the morning. I have no idea why so many realtors offer showings at the crack of dawn, but that quick hit of caffeine is warranted. So unless someone wants me to murder them, I must start with a cup of coffee each morning.
Gabriel has begun allowing me to stay at the office longer each day. I protested initially, but he explained his hesitation without sugarcoating it. “Someone is after you,anjinho. I don’t know if it stops with Nicolas. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. No one is taking you from me.”
Needless to say, I’m letting him control my whereabouts right now. There’s something incredibly calming and peaceful about having him be so caring and attentive. I’ve never had that from a man who didn’t appear maniacal or chauvinistic and possessive. My dad was a narcissistic and controlling asshole. He didn’t do anything out of love. He did it out of necessity forLa Famiglia.He wouldn’t have shed a tear if I had perished the day I walked out of his house. But Gabriel is entirely different. He’s controlling, but out of fear for my safety. Fear of losing me. His adoration for me outshines everything else.
A month after we finally got together, I’m waiting for him at work late one evening. He’s finishing up a ton of paperwork, and I’m bored out of my mind. The Babbel lessons can only take up so much time in a day.
“Can I take your car and go visit Em?” I ask from his doorway.
He looks up from a pile of paperwork, exhaustion written across his face. He sighs before scrubbing a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry,querida. I didn’t think it would take me this long. I still have at least an hour to go. These contracts have to be finished tonight.”
“It’s okay. I can go to Emily’s. Or if you’d feel more comfortable, I can just go home,” I tell him softly. Gabriel stands and walks toward me, pulling me into his arms.
“Isn’t it too late to visit Emily?” he asks.
“No. She’s up with a newborn. I bet they’re all still up. She said everyone is having trouble acclimating to the new family dynamic,” I explain. Em gave birth to a little boy the day after Harper, Victoria, and I went to the mall. Jack was right again. His batting percentage on predicting gender is perfect. We all love to tease Nathan that he has a little clairvoyant son, but I think it’s just something with those Riggs boys. I bet the new little one, Elijah, will be as well.
“Okay,querida. Go straight to Emily’s and then text me when you get there,” Gabriel says as he leans down to kiss me. He deepens the kiss for a moment before groaning and pulling away. “You better go before I strip you down and fuck you on my desk. Then I’ll never get you home.”
I pause, envisioning that scenario. I’m tempted to stay, but Gabriel slaps my ass as he grabs his keys and hands them to me.
“I’ll walk you out to the car,” he says.
“You don’t think I can manage walking the twenty feet to your car?” I tease.
“Just being extra careful,querida. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you on my watch,” he says quietly. My mood immediately sours as I remember why I’m always with Gabriel. We still haven’t figured out the connection between the Bianchi family and my family and who might be pulling the strings. We have no idea how Nicolas even found me.
Gabriel gives me one last kiss as I get behind the wheel, then waves to me as I pull out of the parking lot.
I don’t see the car that immediately turns its lights on and pulls out behind me. I don’t know how closely it tails me as I drive to Emily’s house.
But Gabriel does see it. And he’s panicking.
“Shit!” I scream as I watch the blacked-out car with no license plate race down the street in pursuit of Monica. I know in my gut it’s Nicolas. I push both hands into my pockets, searching for my phone, and realize I have left it on my desk. Running inside, I grab it and immediately call Nathan, Emily’s husband.
“Hello?” a sleepy voice answers.
“Nathan, Monica is on her way to your house, and someone is tailing her. I’m calling the police now. Text me if she doesn’t arrive,” I state.
“Fuck. What did the car look like?” he asks, and I can hear him quickly getting pants and shoes on.
“Blacked out SUV. No license plate. Best guess is a Ford Explorer, but I really couldn’t tell much in the dark,” I explain as I dial 911 from my office phone.
“I’m going outside. I’ll text Liam and get him on alert too. His house is between your office and my house. She might stop there if she realizes something is wrong,” Nathan says as he ends the call.
Fucking hell.
The dispatcher asks for information, and I don’t even know what to tell her. I don’t know Emily’s address, just the general vicinity where she lives. I give them my car information, including my license plate number, and then hang up. I text Nathan asking him for his address, then pull up the Uber app and request a ride. Fortunately, it’s May, so many tourists are heading into town, which means a lot of Ubers. I’ve got a ride in less than five minutes, and I’m texting Nathan nonstop, asking for updates. Monica hasn’t arrived yet, and she should have. Our town isn’t that damn big.