Page 16 of Taming Trickster
"No kidding. Between getting snatched by those lowlife pricks and ending up in bed with a biker..." I shake my head in wry amusement. "I'd say your thirst for adventure has been properly quenched."
She laughs again, nodding in agreement.
"You could say that! Getting kidnapped and almost forced into marriage wasn't quite what I had in mind..."
Our laughter is abruptly cut off by another harsh knock at the door—this time much louder, accompanied by hushed voices drifting in from outside.
Rose's grip on me tightens instinctively as her eyes go wide with alarm.
"Grant, don't go! Just stay here with me..."
As tempting as that idea sounds, I know I can't ignore a potential threat like this. Not when her safety could be at stake. Leaning down, I press a lingering kiss to her soft lips.
"I have to check who that is. But if it's anyone trying to take you from me, you know I'll protect you until the end."
She nods shakily as I extract myself from her embrace and snag my clothes from the floor, dressing in a few efficient motions.
"Just...don't stay out there alone, okay?" Rose pleads, hastily tugging on her own rumpled attire. "Let me come with you."
"Fair enough. But you're staying out of the line of fire."
We leave the bedroom and cross over to the living room. I gently guide her behind the ratty old couch before creeping towards the front door, trusty baseball bat in hand. Taking a steadying breath, I peer through the peephole.
The tension melts from my shoulders as I instantly recognize the bulky silhouettes lingering on my doorstep. With a snort of laughter, I swing the door open wide to admit my brothers from the MC, Knowledge, and Chance, along with Holly - Chance's girlfriend and our resident nurse.
"I’ve heard you need my help. Again." Holly crows with a wink, sauntering inside while the other two lumber in behind her. Her keen gaze immediately locks onto the trembling figure half-hidden behind the sofa. "Well, aren't you just the prettiest little thing? Where have you been keeping this sweet thing, Trickster?"
I shake my head in amusement, motioning for Rose to come out.
"It's alright, Rose - you can trust Holly here. She's going to check you over and make sure those bastards didn't do any serious damage."
Rose ventures out cautiously, looking adorably skittish as Holly gives her an appraising once-over.
"We'll get you fixed up good as new. Why don't we go have some girl time in the other room where it's quieter?"
With one last reassuring look in my direction, Rose allows Holly to gently steer her away towards the privacy of the bedroom. That just leaves me to face the dubious scrutiny of my two brothers as they take in my rumpled, obviously well-sexed appearance.
"So, I see you got yourself...involved with the girl," Knowledge remarks dryly, arching one bushy brow as he eyes my mussed hair and askew clothing.
I can't help the wolfish smirk that spreads across my face.
"What can I say? I'm a sucker for a pretty little thing in need of rescuing." Sobering somewhat, I meet his assessing gaze levelly. "But it's more than that with Rose. She's...special. I want her to stay."
Knowledge's other brow joins the first as he turns an incredulous look toward our leader.
"You hear that, Chance? Both of you idiots fell for girls you just met less than twenty-four hours ago. That's a serious risk for the whole club!"
Chance just shrugs those broad shoulders, infuriatingly calm as ever.
"I hear your concerns, brother. But what's the point of fighting so hard to protect the innocent people of this city if we lose our own humanity in the process? Let ourselves get so tangled up in violence and darkness that we forget how to live?"
He shoots me a significant look then, and I can't help but nod slightly in understanding. We've had this discussion more times than I can count over the years - about keeping our moral compasses aligned despite the shadiness of our outlaw lifestyle.
With a huff of resignation, Knowledge rolls his eyes heavenward.
"Alright, alright - you've made your point. Let's just move on, shall we?" Turning slightly more serious, he continues. "We did some...extensive questioning on those two punks you roughed up earlier. Turns out we were right. The Outlaw Riders MC aren't just dealing with drugs and guns anymore."
My brow furrows at that ominous insinuation. "You don't mean..."