Page 3 of Taming Trickster
He tries rushing me while I'm distracted, aiming a clumsy kick at my ribs. But I anticipate the move and drop into a crouch, sweeping my leg out in a wide arc. My booted foot catches him behind the knees, and he goes crashing down with a bone-jarring thud.
Rolling to his feet, Bloodynose is on me again, clubbing fists raining down from above. I deflect most of the strikes, but a few sloppy hits crash against my jaw and ribs. Though they sting, these punks hit like kids throwing tantrums.
I've taken way worse in my military days and underground boxing rings.
Biding my time, I let the meathead wear himself out with the ineffective flurry. When his arms finally start drooping, I seize the opening and unleash a grenade of precise strikes - hammer fist to the sternum, knee to the stomach, whiplash round kick catching his jaw. He spins and crumples into an unconscious heap.
One down, one to go.
I turn my attention to the last man standing. He's circling me warily, fists raised but hesitant to charge in. Smart. Saw what happened to his buddy.
"Had enough yet?" I call out, giving my neck a mock stretch. "Walk away now, and you might make it out of here without getting too roughed up."
Instead of answering, the idiot rushes me with a grunt. I roll my eyes - when will these dummies learn?
As he charges in, throwing haymakers, I slap his wild punches aside. Then I pivot on the ball of my foot, using his own momentum to sling him forward. Before he can catch himself, I stomp down hard on his ankle, relishing the crunch of snapping bone.
He shrieks like a stuck pig, collapsing to the ground and cradling his busted ankle. A few quick heel kicks to the face put him out of his misery. For now.
With both goons down and groaning, I finally let out the breath I was holding. Too easy. I spin towards the girl, making sure she's okay after that brief skirmish.
She's huddled against the gas station wall, shivering, those big eyes wide with wonder. Or is that...admiration? A faint smile plays across her lips as she takes me in.
"You're...amazing," she murmurs in a sweet voice. "Thank you for saving me”
I give the girl a casual shrug. Taking down those two punks was no big deal, but I can't deny the warmth spreading through my chest at her awed words.
"Just did what any decent person would do," I tell her gruffly, trying to play it cool.
Up close, I can really drink in her delicate features - those big, soulful eyes, the dimples, those full lips...
I need to calm down. She's just a kid, probably no older than eighteen or nineteen. And by the look of that thin dress and her bare, scraped-up feet, she's been through something traumatic tonight.
"You hurt anywhere?" I ask, giving her a quick once over. "Those jerks didn't rough you up too bad, did they?"
She shakes her head, tendrils of red hair swaying with the motion.
"No, I...I'm okay. Just some scrapes and bruises." She tells me, wrapping her arms around her belly like she's trying to make herself smaller. More vulnerable.
Right then, my protective instincts kick into high gear. The thought of someone abusing or taking advantage of this fragile creature makes my blood boil.
"Why don't you tell me what's going on?" I suggest, keeping my voice low and soothing. "Those punks mentioned something about being your...husband?" I shake my head in disbelief. "You can't be much older than a kid. Whatever mess you're mixed up in, I'll do what I can to help get you out of it safe and sound."
The girl hesitates, worrying her lower lip between her teeth. After a moment, she seems to make up her mind and nods slowly.
"I...I was kidnapped," she admits in a small voice. "By those men - the Outlaw Riders, I guess you called them. They just took me with them and said I had to marry one of them against my will. I’m only nineteen. I don’t want to marry anyone!"
My jaw clenches at her words. Forcing a girl into marriage? Against her will? That's lower than low, even for scumbag bikers.
"I ran away," she continues, voice wavering. "I've been running through the woods all night, trying to get away from them. That's how I ended up here." She gestures vaguely at the darkened gas station.
Without thinking, I reach out and rest a comforting hand on her shoulder. She flinches at first but then seems to relax into the gentle pressure.
"You're safe now," I murmur. "Those ugly mugs ain't gonna lay a hand on you again, not while I'm breathing."
She blinks up at me with those big, innocent eyes.
"But...why? Why would you help me like this? We're total strangers."