Page 9 of Tamed
He grins and his sea-blue eyes sparkle with laughter. “If it still fits, why would I not?”
I buckle in and mutter under my breath, “It sounds like you’ve been trying to learn Earth phrases again.”
He powers up the ship and smirks. His big hands on the controls make my mouth go dry and a tingle starts in my belly. “I am fascinated by the way Earth minds work. You think that you are so much advanced and yet you don’t think that there could be other sentient beings out there who match or could beat your intellect. That seems like it’s an oxymoron, as you would say.”
I grimace. “I have never used that word.”
He throws his head back and laughs, his silver hair down for once. It flies around his face and my mind wanders, considering how soft it might be. Wondering how good it would feel against my skin. Would it be cool and silky?
“Is it because you don’t know the definition of the word?”
I glare at him. So much for feeling closer to him and feeling….something for him. Now I just wonder how hard I could hit him.
His crystal eyes slew towards me. His grin makes my heart skip a beat, even though I don’t want it to.
“I know what you’re thinking.” He throttles up the ship and with a flash of light, we zoom right out of the docking bay and my stomach floats up into my throat, my eyes closing and my body feeling oddly weightless as we take off.
I shake and sit back in the seat, my hands clenching on the soft, padded arm of the seat.
The ship levels off after a few minutes and something warm and rough touches my hand. My eyes fly open and he’s squatting in front of me and I don’t know how he got there but I can’t look away from the soft look in his eyes.
“Are you alright, my vistu?”
I nod my head slightly, still trying to figure out what’s going on. My hands shake as I lift them up and touch my face, my mouth so damn dry that I can’t even force a swallow.
“Hey, Alex. It’s alright. Have you gone to the…”. He struggles to grasp a word and then sighs, “the counselor? Is that the right word?”
I nod my head but I feel like nothing around me makes any sense. There’s a buzzing in my ears that I can’t seem to push out. I cannot seem to focus and it feels like my body is not my own.
“And did you actually talk to them or did you just stare at the screen and wait until time was up?” His lips quirk a little and I struggle with a grin.
“You think you know me so well, Varnak.”
He leans back and his hand drops from mine and I find that I fucking miss his touch so much. I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t like it.
I don’t like it at all.
“I know you like I know myself and we are much alike, little vistu.”
“How do you figure?” I push up to standing after I disconnect from the belt. I put my hands on my hips and growl at him.
“You don’t like admitting that you are wrong. You fight anything, even if it’s good for you. You can’t give in to anything because you refuse to admit that you need someone. Should I go on?”
“Absolutely not. You are wrong. We’re nothing alike.”
He snorts and backs away. “Fool yourself, little one but you can’t fool me. You are afraid right now and I would say that it’s because of being back on a ship. It frightens you because the last time you were on, you weren’t in control. You couldn’t take care of your friends or yourself and someone else was calling the shots. You had so much being taken away from you and you were scared. And you fucking hated it. Which is why you hate being on this ship. And yet you signed up for this trip knowing that it would almost kill you to do it. You’re an amazing female and I don’t deserve to even be near you.”
He stalks off while I’m still trying to process everything that he’s saying. His back is stiff and he avoids looking at me.
I sit back down and it doesn’t feel the same. My heart isn’t pounding. I’m not dying of thirst. I feel…calm. Safe.
Because of Varnak.
“Thank you,” I whisper.
He grumbles, “don’t thank me for recognizing your worth, female. Nobody should ever doubt it.”
And that’s the last thing we say for a long time. Until I start to doze off in the chair. My chin slides off my hand once again and he turns to me, his blue eyes like lasers. “Why don’t you go lie down, vistu? There’s nothing you can do right now.”