Page 13 of Flame Kissed
Adaze frowned, glancing at the clock. She was also almost two hours earlier than usual. She must be really worried. “I already told you, I’m fine,” Adaze assured her, accepting her iced Irish cream coffee before turning back to her work.
“You don’t seem fine, which isn’t surprising. You’ve been through a lot.”
“It wasn’t a huge deal. Don’t make a thing of it.” Adaze refused to look up from her laptop. She would show her just how fine she was.
“Don’t make a huge deal? Adaze, you could have died!”
“At least if I had, I wouldn’t need to have this conversation.”
“That isn’t funny!”
She couldn’t help but smirk. “It’s a little funny.”
Diana shook her head. “I’m going to assume this is just the trauma talking and give you some space. Do you want me to set up an emergency session with your therapist? I’m sure she’d be willing to see you given the circumstances.”
“If I needed you to, I’d have said.”
Diana shrank back and guilt crashed over Adaze. Diana was just about the only person she had close to her. She never meant to upset her. She just… Adaze was just a frosty person and that was that. You didn’t get success on the level she had it in the business world by being nice. Diana knew that better than anyone.
She sighed. “Sorry, I just—look, I’m fine. I just don’t want to talk about it, okay?”
“Yeah, fine. I’ll drop it, for now.”
“Thank you. Now, can we try and get some work done?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Adaze turned her eyes back to her laptop and hoped Diana wouldn’t comment on how little work she was actually getting done.
For a few hours, there was peace. She was finally starting to get into her spreadsheet groove when her swirling thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing. She pulled it out to see an unfamiliar number. Maybe the executive from Seal Corp. about the merger. Frowning, she answered.
“Adaze Banks,” she snapped.
Diana’s eyes snapped to her. “Who is it?” she whispered.
Adaze stood up, turning away from her.
“Hey, Adaze!” Leilani’s chipper voice came through the phone and Adaze couldn’t help but almost smile.
Hello Hot Fire Girl. Yes please.
“I’m glad you picked up! I didn’t think about it until I was already calling, that I had your number but you didn’t have mine. Well, I guess you do now.”
“Yeah, I do.” She couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto her face, but she kept her voice as cool as ice.
There was a pause while she waited for her to say something. Finally, Leilani continued speaking.
“Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner sometime this week.”
“Dinner?” As soon as the words left her lips, Diana hopped to her feet, moving so she could see her face.
Adaze frowned, trying to get out of her line of sight but it was no use. After a few seconds, she had to give up and reply to Leilani. “Sure, why not?”
Diana’s jaw dropped. “Dinner? With who?” she mouthed.
Adaze rolled her eyes, turning away again.
“Really?” Adaze couldn’t believe she sounded any level of surprised. “Great! How’s this Friday? Say around six?”