Page 20 of Flame Kissed
She shrugged. “Of course I remembered.”
Leilani’s smile only brightened. “I’m glad you did. It’s nice here. I love the ocean. I wouldn’t say I’ve made a home for myself yet, but I feel like I will soon, you know?”
Adaze couldn’t help but wonder if she saw herself in that home. A small ember of fear crept in at the thought. She didn’t even know if the other woman would want a second date, let alone if she could trust her enough to have a relationship and build a home together.
Pull yourself together, Adaze. You are just into her because of her very sexy muscled arms and her hero vibes.
“Yeah,” she said after what she hoped wasn’t too long of a pause. “I hope you do.”
Leilani let out an unholy sound as she took a bite of her chicken. “This is delicious! You have to try this!” She stabbed another piece, holding it out to Adaze.
She hesitated for a moment before she leaned forward, eating the bite from her fork while holding eye contact.
Leilani licked her lips. “So what do you think?”
“You’re right. It’s really good.”
From there the conversation seemed to flow far easier than Adaze would have expected. In an attempt to prolong the end of the night, they ordered gulab jamun for dessert, but it could only buy them so much time.
When the check came and they made their way back to Leilani’s car, she realized she still didn’t want the night to end.
And Adaze knew she could do something about that. Or at least, she could try. Make an offer, throw the ball into Leilani’s court.
But what if she said no?
Adaze wasn’t sure how well she’d be able to take a rejection.
Still, as they drove, she found herself coming up with a plan. It wasn’t something she was expecting to think about asking, but she was surprised by just how much she wanted to.
So for the remainder of their drive, she rehearsed the question over and over again in her head. It wasn’t hard. It was only six little words, but she found herself realizing just how many different ways she could say them.
She still hadn’t settled on exactly how she wanted to ask when she ran out of time. Leilani pulled to a stop outside her house.
“Here you are,” she said with a smile. “Home sweet home.”
It was now or never. Adaze took a deep breath and forced herself to ask.
“Do you want to come upstairs?” Adaze asked.
Leilani’s mouth opened and closed in shock. Her heart pounded in her chest. Had Adaze really just asked that?
She was so surprised that for a moment, she struggled to find her voice. Finally, she said, “Yeah, I would like that.”
The older woman took her hand and led her up the stairs. On the elevator ride up, neither of them said much. Leilani’s heart raced in her chest. She couldn’t believe this was really happening. She’d felt lucky enough when Adaze agreed to go out with her at all, let alone inviting her inside her apartment. This apartment block had to be the most expensive and exclusive in the city. No luxury was spared. She pushed down the hope that she might be asked to stay the night.
Who is this woman? What is she doing to me?
Hot Dominant Sugar Mommy, yes please.
Stop it, Leilani!!!
She was pulled from her thoughts as Adaze unlocked her door.
“Here we are,” she said, motioning her inside.