Page 26 of Flame Kissed
Adaze hesitated. It might be too much. She might come on too strong, but she just couldn’t help herself.
Then why wait? I’m free today, after lunch.
I’d really like that. I’ll see you then.
Adaze focused hard on a bid she had to complete for an upcoming merger. Her fingers flew across the laptop. She couldn’t stop thinking about Leilani coming back to her. It felt like madness. She barely knew the younger firefighter and yet she hadn’t stopped thinking about her since she had left.
There was something about Leilani. An innocence to her alongside the assuredness she possessed. It was entirely alluring.
Adaze had had plenty of sex in her time, never with the dynamic that had come to her in the moment with Leilani.
The whole Mommy thing. It had just flitted into her mind and she had gone with it. And, so had Leilani, so it seemed.
Adaze looked at the time. She took a shower, running a razor over her legs and bikini line once again and pulled on a silk robe and ran a brush through her hair. There seemed no point in makeup. It would only melt off her if the afternoon went the way she was hoping it would. She headed to her bedroom to make a few preparations.
When her entry buzzer sounded, she was absolutely ready.
“Hey… it’s me.” Adaze could almost taste the sweetness of Leilani’s voice through the speaker.
“Come on up, Baby,” Adaze growled.
Adaze knew she had no idea where either of them saw this going, but right in this moment it didn’t seem to matter.
Let’s see what she’s got.
When she opened the door to come face to face with the woman who she had enjoyed so much the previous night, Adaze felt herself smiling to meet Leilani’s lovely smile.
There was something about Leilani’s face, so pretty and open, that brought out a softness within Adaze that she had never felt before.
Leilani was casual in short denim shorts and a tight black tank top. The outfit more than showed off her incredible body. Her hair looked damp still as though from the shower.
Adaze inhaled the scent of her. It was a freshness and fruitiness of shower products mingling with the sweet scent of Leilani herself. She wasn’t wearing any perfume. From the outline of her nipples under her shirt, it also looked like she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Adaze didn’t want to wait.
“So,” Adaze growled seductively. “Mommy has some things she wants to do that she didn’t get the chance to do last night. Do you think Baby could help with that?”
Leilani looked at her as though deep in thought, her deep brown eyes widening at Adaze’s words. She looked not dissimilar to a rabbit caught in the headlights. Her full lips parted and she nodded.
“I think you had better take off all your clothes then and put this blindfold on,” Adaze commanded, a smirk flashing across her face as she withdrew a blindfold from the pocket of her robe. She loved the Italian silk robe and had had the blindfold made from the same silk. “I miss how your beautiful body looks naked, Baby.”
Shock flashed across Leilani’s face momentarily, but she moved immediately to the hem of her tank top to pull it up and over her head. The tank top was tight, and it pulled up over her body almost painfully slowly, but as her abdomen and breasts emerged, Adaze felt a surge of satisfaction.
The black tank top fell to the floor and the denim shorts followed shortly afterwards. She wasn’t wearing panties.
Her body in the daylight from the big windows was even more beautiful and lithe than Adaze had remembered.
Adaze tied the red silk blindfold over Leilani’s eyes and took her hand.
“Okay, Baby, just follow me. If you want me to stop at any point or there is anything you aren’t comfortable with, just say Red and I will stop straight away. Do you understand?”
Leilani nodded, but Adaze needed to hear her consent.
“I need to hear you tell me you understand, Baby.”
“I say Red if I want to stop.” Leilani sounded breathless already.