Page 72 of Cleric of Desire
The new position when Jeffrey arches back again does indeed bring me deeper, my ring spreading his hole wider, but this way, I can see it. I can watch as he takes and takes it, switching between glancing skyward to see us in the mirror, and back to watching me fill him. The movements of Jeffrey riding me has all the grace of a dancer, and I know, I know this is all I will ever want, to dance with him forever.
I touch Jeffrey like this too. Around the mounds of his buttocks. Around the stretch of his hole. I claw up his back—lightly, but enough to leave trails of claim marks—and then wrap my tail around the base of his cock.
“Odai!” he cries again.
Sitting up to hold him against me, I reach around to pump his shaft right above where my tail squeezes, and in that one motion, Jeffrey is done. He spills over my fingers just as I press a claw tip into his slit.
My fingers are quickly coated. I lift some to Jeffrey’s lips, and what he doesn’t manage to lick clean, I bring to my own mouth and taste him. That unleashes me finally too, and I fill him with everything in me.
As Jeffrey slumps forward, squirming and moaning at how I remain inside him, I let myself look again at the mirror. I appear like the monster that was made of me, and yet, with Jeffrey, I was never a monster. Even seeing some of the worst of me, he still wanted me. I was always enough as I was and never someone to be treated like less than I could be.
For no other master or mistress who I might have called friend could I say the same.
I still shift to a more manageable form, shrinking and softening inside him, so the ring is gone, and it is easier to pull him free of me. I massage his spent hole, letting some of my seed spill free. Jeffrey is mine, and I am his, and there is nowhere I would rather be than with him. No other time and as no other version of either of us.
Mostly human looking, but still fanged, clawed, and quite purple in hue, I drag Jeffrey up the bed to lie in my arms.
He snuggles exhaustedly against me. “Have you ever used those wings to actually fly?” he asks.
“I have. Would you like to experience it sometime?”
“Wouldn’t that be too dangerous if people see us?”
“I could take us somewhere first where we would not be seen.” I kiss his temple.
“That sounds nice. So… what do you desire to do now?”
“To stay. With you. To keep working with the tour. And perhaps discover some other ways I might apply my talents.”
“Whatever you want to do, Odai, it’s your decision now. Except, hopefully not involving any, um, maiming or killing?”
“I assure you, Jeffrey, I have no desires or compulsions to do so. Unless someone ever harms or wrongs you, of course.”
Jeffrey laughs. “Okay but consult with me first if you ever actually feel that way. Seriously. So I can be sure they deserve it.”
“If anyone ever harms or wrongs you, they’ll deserve it.”
I am mostly teasing. “I will never cause you to worry like you have these past few weeks. I promise.”
“Thank you. But aside from those larger questions, what do you want to do now, like, for the rest of today? We still have the day off.”
“There is something I would like to do.”
“And it might surprise you.”
“Good morning, young one. And… not so young one, if I may be so bold.”
The Owner of The Magic Shop is somehow everything I expected him to be.
I was nervous entering his domain, but I can no longer be owned, so I do not fear what desires he might have had should he have ever possessed my contract.
We are at the front counter. There are others mulling about, shopping. I wonder how many know they are in a place of power. A place that exists in more than one realm, sometimes all at once, and sometimes possibly not at all.
Jeffrey hovers behind me, letting me do the talking. I think he too finds The Owner unnerving, despite having come here many times alone.