Page 13 of Starlight Salon
She blushes and takes it from me slowly. “I can’t believe you noticed that.”
I take her coffee cup so her hands are free to put her hair in a ponytail, the fringe pieces falling across her cheekbones. She’s going to hate it. Is it overkill to buy her clips? “As soon as your last customer leaves, you put your hair up. You never leave it loose in the bar.”
Her eyes drift over my body, and she smiles. Fishing her key out of her bag, she unlocks the salon. “Do you want to come in?”
I would follow her anywhere. I’m like a vampire being invited in; she’ll never get rid of me now. I step into the salon, the air-con barely cools the heat on my skin. Her ponytail bounces as she walks through her store, sandals clicking on the polished concrete.
“You sure you’re up to this?”
“Show me the problem.” I follow her to the staff room while she explains the issues. No hot water and a leak. Some other company fucked it up. “It’ll take about an hour to fix, but shouldn’t be a problem.”
She lights up, a smile spreading across her face. “Really?”
I nod.
I freeze as she launches herself at me, wraps her arms around my neck, and tugs me into her. “Thank you.”
Before she can let go, I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on hers, finally able to breathe in her light floral scent. I hold her longer than I should and release her only when I’m worried about my hands roaming too low.
“Anytime.” I truly mean it. Anytime she needs me—for anything—I’m there. “You don’t have to hang around if there are other things you need to do. I’ll call when I’m done.”
She’s still standing close, our chests brushing when she bounces on her toes and brushes a kiss against my cheek before stepping back. Heat rushes through my body and I clench my hands into fists to stop from grabbing her. Clutching her to my chest and never letting go.
“Thank you for doing this. I’ll be out front if you need anything.” I watch her hips sway as she walks to the reception desk, leaving me in the staff room, a wall between us.
I finish as quickly as possible while fixing everything to my standard, so her salon runs smoothly. Hearing her move around in the front while I work settles something inside me, knowing she’s near keeps a smile on my face.
After checking the basins have hot water, I glance at the desk where she’s clicking away at something. Her hair’s still up. She’s changed it from a ponytail to a bun at the nape of her neck, the pink scrunchie peeking out. Good.
“All done.”
She jumps and spins in the chair, clutching her chest. “You scared me.”
I tower over her while she’s sitting in the chair, but she makes no move to get up. I tuck hair out of her face and apologise softly.
She smiles, waving away the apology. “Is it fixed?”
I nod, and she stands to hug me. This time I’m quicker to wrap my arms around her and brush a kiss on her hair.
“You’re the best.” Her face tucks into my shoulder, and I shiver when she rubs her nose along my neck. She pulls back abruptly and spins to the desk. “I bought lunch for you.” She slides a sandwich and cold drink across the desk to me—she must have ducked out when I had to find something from my truck—and hands me cold and flu medicine. “In case you still feel sick.”
I brush a finger down her nose. “I feel fine, sweetheart. But I’ll take it if it makes you feel better.”
“It will.” She crosses her arms.
A smile spreads over my face at her protectiveness. I sit on the chair she dragged over for me and swallow the pills, grinning when she looks satisfied.
“Why’d you leave this morning?” I bite into the sandwich she gave me, all the more delicious because it’s from her.
She fiddles with her food, pushing it around instead of eating. “I didn’t want to be in your way. You didn’t ask me to be there. I figured you’d prefer Dom.”
Why would she think that? In what world would I prefer Dom jabbing my cheek when I could be curled against her soft body, her hair tickling my nose while I run my hands through the blonde strands as we watch Friends together? “You’re never in my way.”
“You wanted me to stay?”
“See you in my bed? Caring for me and getting to spend time with you? I wanted you there.” I nudge my heavy work boot against her foot, careful not to hurt her. “I fell asleep in the middle of an episode.” I wink.
She gasps dramatically. “Well, we’ll have to rewatch it then.”