Page 32 of The Comeback
“Dalton could always do that,” I say.
I remember running into him on the University of Houston campus about a week after I came back to Houston after breaking up with Jett. Dalton pulled me up into a hug, then teasingly looked around for Jett. My “bodyguard,” Dalton called him.
I’d forced my smile to stay in place and shook my head. “I’m coming back to Houston,” I said once he put me down.
Dalton’s expression froze, and he leaned the slightest bit closer to study me. “Without Jett?” he asked softly.
I nodded, unable to say anything else. It was so fresh, so heavy on my heart. I hadn’t even stopped crying myself to sleep yet or hoping every time my phone dinged that it was Jett, answering me, saying we’d figure this out.
Dalton swept me back up into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Ava,” he whispered.
I struggled to stay in one piece as he held me. When he let go, he put his arm over my shoulder, staying close to me as he walked me to my car. He told jokes, avoiding any conversation of Jett and the breakup. I even managed to laugh.
He was such a good friend, and I wouldn’t mind that in my life again. Or maybe it was time for me to consider Dalton King as something more.
The last couple of weeks with Hayden I’ve discovered a woman I’m having fun with, and it’s embarrassing to think that my reservations about her career and how it’s kinda 24/7 might have kept me from seeing that.
I need to tell her about my conversation with Gabriella and Colby. Hayden was up front with me about her past with Gabriella, and I owe her a head’s up that Gabriella’s a little wary of her coming to the wedding. I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to her about it. The Pumas have been out of town the last two Sundays, and Hayden and I have only been able to see each other in person a few times, meaning our relationship is progressing slowly.
At least Gabriella wants to work things out with Hayden and mend fences. Hopefully Ava doesn’t talk her out of that because she wants to err on the side of caution. If she got burned by a client, I can understand being careful, but if she gives Hayden a chance, Ava will see she has nothing to worry about. The truth is, we both need to work on the “just friends” part of this.
Hayden is making me dinner at her place tonight so we can do something chill and spend some time together that’s not around other people. I know it will still involve a short photoshoot, but I’ve gotten used to that on the dates we’ve been on in the last couple of weeks. To her credit, she tries to keep it brief, and I’m learning this might be something I can live with. She’s also coached me on things I can post, which I’ve found helpful. When we were in L.A. playing the Rays, she texted me after the game, suggesting I get a selfie with a running back who had a great game. I felt stupid at first, but Marshall, the running back, was excited.
Unlike Colby, Gabriella, and Ava, I wait until dessert is finished and Hayden and I are hanging out on her couch before I bring up Gabriella. Well, technically, I wait until after Hayden has taken a selfie of us cuddling. To look at her Instagram, you’d think our relationship is a lot more serious than it is. But it’s just some hand-holding and a kiss or two. I’m not falling head over heels with her in a rush, but I enjoy our time together.
“So,” I say while she takes a second to flick through the photos and nod her satisfaction, “Gabriella asked me about you the other day. I told her the stuff you said about being sorry.”
By the time I finish my sentence, Hayden has already pocketed her phone, so I catch the pink that stains her cheeks for a moment. “Thanks. You know I’m okay with canceling our plans to go to the wedding together if she’s not comfortable, right?” She leans back, resting her head against my arm, which is stretched across the back of her couch. She looks nervous, and I can empathize. Facing Ava since she came back into town hasn’t been a picnic.
“Yeah. She wants to talk with you at the dinner they’re doing for the wedding party and their plus-ones that I told you about. I’m sure everything’s going to be fine with you two. It’s been years, right?”
She swallows but then nods. “You think she’s okay with it?”
“I know she will be once you guys talk.” I put my arm around Hayden and draw her closer. I wish I knew exactly what happened between her and Gabriella, but I can barely keep up with what Hayden posts on a daily basis, let alone go back and find the “attack” Ava accused her of.
Hayden pinches her lips, and I wonder if she still has hurt feelings as well. Gabriella said she wanted to apologize too, so she’s probably not blameless. My stomach squirms a bit, and I wonder if I should just take Hayden’s offer to stay away from the wedding and not worry about any of this. But that doesn’t feel right either. Going to a pro-football player’s wedding is a big deal, and I’ve already asked her. I don’t want to go back on my word to her.
It’s time to change the subject. “That chicken was awesome, by the way. We should do this more.”
Her face lights up and she snuggles against me. “Should we?”
I nod. Gabriella and Colby have every right to be wary, but everything will be fine.
After my date, I swing by Jenna and Devin’s house on my way home. Miss Maggie is reading a story to Hudson and Ian when I knock and then walk in. They’re both snuggled in her lap in the same recliner I saw her in last time I was here, but they hop up and run to me when I come in. I haul them both into my arms, admonishing them to be careful with their GG. Which, of course, is the natural thing the kids would call her given that their mom calls her G.
“Psh.” Miss Maggie waves a hand at my warning to the boys.
“Let’s finish the story,” I say, sitting down in front of the recliner. Miss Maggie laughs, and by the time we’re done, Jenna stands in the doorway between their living room and the hallway that leads down to the boys’ bedroom. She must have been putting Ruby to bed while Miss Maggie read to the boys.
When I was younger, my grandma lived just down the street from me and Devin, and we would have loved to have her at our house every day. I hope Hudson and Ian realize someday what a gift this is to have Miss Maggie living with them.
“Bedtime!” Jenna claps her hands softly when Miss Maggie closes the book. “Tell GG and Jett good night.”
They scramble over me to hug me and then gently kiss Miss Maggie’s cheeks before scampering off with Jenna.