Page 14 of The Book of Wrath

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Page 14 of The Book of Wrath

“Yes, she is absolutely the worst. Me and several other male officers filed harassment claims and misconduct claims against her this morning. Ever since our split, our captain has been keeping us away from each other because I didn’t take her cheating on me in my home very well,” he ran his hand over his face. I watched the muscles in his arm flex with the motion. Damn, I bet he could life me up and put me up against the wall with those arms. FUCK! Stop going there you horny bitch.

“I’m sorry that happened to you,” but that means you’re single now right? The question clearly staying tangled up in my head where he cannot hear me.

“It is what it is. I’ve gotten over it for the most part. But tonight, after she was told about the harassment cases and shit against her, she decided to double down. I got home to her car across the street from the house. I went up to my door and it was unlocked so instead of going inside, I called my captain, and he sent out two officers to come get her. I’m pressing charges against her, but according to my buddy Roark, I need to burn my bed and sheets again,” he huffed out. Holy shit, he was dealing with bullshit no wonder he didn’t text me.

“I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. She seemed a little arrogant at the hospital and I didn’t like the way she talked to you. Do you have to deal with her when you go to work?” I asked, taking another sip from my cup. I wasn’t sure why I thought drinking this sugar rush was going to be a great idea, but I don’t plan on sleeping tonight after that bullshit.

“Yeah, my captain does his best to keep us apart though. How about you? How are you holding up? My bullshit is nothing compared to the shit you’re going through,” he said over his cup. I have a feeling we are going to need something stronger for the rest of this conversation.

“I’m dealing. Got a new bed delivered this afternoon, they took the old one with hem and I’ve been trying to put the pieces back together. Also, thanks to the judge, I’ve had to inventory everything that was broken. They’re making Ryan pay for replacements of everything he broke and since he is a Paxley, he’s court ordered to replace everything within a week. The judge wasn’t playing around,” I said as I reached for the whiskey in the cabinet. “Want something stronger?” I waved the bottle at him, and he smiled.

“Yeah, usually I would say no, but it’s been one hell of a day,” he placed his tea glass on the counter as I pulled out two fresh glasses from the cabinet and filled them halfway. Sliding the glass across the counter to him, I set the bottle down between us and sighed before holding my glass up.

“Cheers to a fucked-up night getting better,” I said, raising my glass up a little higher. He smiled and clinked our glasses; we both downed the dark amber liquid. It burned going down and I’m pretty sure I frowned the entire time, but I took it like a champ without puking. I haven’t drank in years, I couldn’t be caught off guard. “Want to watch trash tv or do you have to go?” I grab the bottle and head to the living room.

“As long as it’s not cops,” he chuckles, following closely behind me. I plop down on the couch and find some random show on Bravo that I have no idea what it’s called or what it’s about, but I’ll take it. I’m pretty sure it’s a real housewives show, I just don’t know which one. He takes the seat on the couch next to me, but he sits so rigidly that I’m worried he’s uncomfortable hanging out.

“You can relax, I won’t bite. Well, not unless you ask,” I try saying seductively, but it just comes out so awkward I want to bury my head in the pillows on the couch.

“Oh?” His eyebrows raise as he looks at me before kicking off his shoes and setting them next to the couch. He leans back and takes in the view on the tv. Two older women are arguing about some charity and who donated and who didn’t. “So, what do you do for work? I never really asked you before.”

“I work at the library. My job title is a librarian, but I like telling people I’m a keeper of stories. Each book can take you into a whole new world if you let it,” I spill out to him. I already know what his job is obviously. “What do you like to do for fun?”

“Depends on what you think is fun,” he laughed. “If the weather is nice, I like to go to the beach and try to surf. Sometimes I like to just go hiking and exploring new areas. Getting lost in nature is usually fun.”

“I like hiking, I just don’t like getting lost. I don’t do well when I get lost. Ryan used to tell me I could get lost in a paper bag though. He wasn’t wrong,” I sighed, reaching for the bottle once more. Why did I have to bring his name up? I poured us both another shot, downing mine without another toast.

“Getting lost is the fun part though. I found a random waterfall once when I got lost up in the mountains in Pennsylvania. It was one of the most peaceful places I’ve found, and I got back often now that I know where it is,” he said, drinking down his glass as if needing the confidence more than I do.

“Maybe one day you can take me there. I’ve always wanted to see a waterfall. Aside from on tv or in the movies,” I clarify. It would be nice to find one locally to just lose myself at. “I mean, if you want to that is.”

He laughed at my quick dismissal, “I’d love to take you. Maybe we can go one day next week.” He rested his arm on the couch behind me and it took a lot for me not to fall into familiar territory and lean into him. It wasn’t the right idea.

We both fell into silence as we watched the mind-numbing show fade into the next episode and into the one after that. I knew he had work in the morning and should probably head out, but I’m liking the not being alone. We drank through well over half of the bottle of whiskey. I was feeling very tipsy and very horny. I needed him to leave so I could take care of myself before I did something extremely stupid.

He looked at his phone, checking the time for the first time in about three hours. “It’s getting late, I shouldn’t keep you up any longer.” He went to stand up, but my dumbass grabbed his wrist. He looked down at me before sitting back down.

“I know you probably have work,” the words stumbling out of my head because I have zero filter when drunk. “But would you mind staying a little longer. It’s nice not to be alone.” I could hear how pathetic I sounded. I probably looked just as pathetic.

He leaned into me, brushing his hand across my cheek to move some hair behind my ear. Stupidly, I leaned into his touch. Bad move.

His lips were on mine within seconds of me leaning into his touch. His hand wrapped around the back of my head, pulling me deeper into the kiss. His tongue flicked against my lips. My traitorous lips parted for him, allowing his tongue to flick against mine, which I greedily accepted. His free hand moved to the other side of my face, caressing me like I was something precious. My own hands traveled up his arms until my hands were reaching for his face. Oh no, we have to stop before this gets to far. But he tastes fucking heavenly. The mix of whiskey and sweet tea on his tongue was intoxicating.

He laid me back on the couch, gently resting my head on one of the decorative pillows that I have on it. The kiss deepened and all thoughts I had of breaking this kiss were gone. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let go of all reservations.

Tonight, I will lose the waging war in my head. Tonight, I will give him a little piece of me without laying bare for him. Tonight, my world will start turning again.

Chapter 13


Morning came way to fast, and I had the biggest headache ever. I slowly sat up feeling like I was going to puke, the world slightly spinning around me. I didn’t recognize my surroundings for a good few seconds before I heard a breathy whimper come from next to me. I looked down to see Megan curled up there on the couch and the memories of the evening flooded into my brain like a fog had been lifted.

We got drunk, and we made out. Fuck. It’s not that I didn’t want to make out with her, but I definitely didn’t want to do it drunk. I looked over at the clock under the tv. Shit, it was six in the morning, and I had work in an hour. Well, this is going to be awkward and it’s going to feel so wrong. Her arm laid across my lap, I am currently thankful that she is asleep because my dick sure as fuck isn’t.

I slipped off of the couch and made my way to the bathroom on the first floor. I don’t remember falling asleep. Well, my pants were still on and so were her clothes, so I’m going to assume that we didn’t get too far. I can’t believe I got that drunk that I passed out on her. Ugh. I groaned as I let the floor gates open. I’m going to need a fuck ton of water and some Tylenol to get through the next twelve hours.

I cleaned up, washed my hands and did the walk of shame through her house, grabbed my phone, cleaned up our glasses from the evening and looking at the now completely empty bottle of whiskey on the table. No wonder I had a hangover. I grabbed my keys from the table and slipped on my shoes as I headed for the front door. I should wake her up, so she doesn’t think I am slipped out on her, but I’m going to be late if I don’t leave now.

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